Full Title Name:  West's Arkansas Administrative Code. Title 002. Game and Fish Commission. Division 00. Rule 1. Hunting and Fishing. Chapter 05.00. General Hunting and Fishing Regulations. 002.00.1-05.08. Prohibited Methods for Hunting Wildlife

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  Ark. Admin. Code 002.00.1-05.08 Last Checked:  February, 2023 Date Adopted:  2001 Last Date Amended:  2022
Summary: This Arkansas regulation prohibits computer-assisted hunting, among other activities.

It is unlawful to hunt, take, or attempt to take wildlife by use of computer-assisted hunting, radio tracking electronic equipment, blow guns, dart guns, deadfalls, drugs, poisons, chemicals, explosives, or any device designed to take wildlife by the activation of a trip wire, electronic actions of a switch or other means that do not require the attendance of an individual to activate the device.


A. Rodenticides or traps may be used to control mice and rats.

B. In compliance with Codes 09.15, 17.01, 26.21 and Addendum F1.07.

C. Use of radio tracking electronic equipment permitted for the purpose of retrieving hunting dogs.

D. Live-cage traps that use a trap door, slide gate, or similar mechanism and are capable of capturing large, non-target wildlife (Examples: deer, elk, bear, turkeys, etc.) larger than 25,000 cubic inches in size may be used for the capture of nuisance animals so long as the trap design has a minimum of 75% of the roof open to allow escape of non-target wildlife.

These traps must be checked at least once every 24 hours. Smaller live-cage traps may be used in accordance with Code Chapter 17.00.

PENALTY: Class 3

Eff. May 2001; Oct. 2002. Amended Sept. 15, 2011; June 1, 2012; May 30, 2022.

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