The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets states that it plays an important role in emergency response related to companion animals and livestock. The Agency's partners in all hazard response initiatives include other state and federal agencies, the Vermont Veterinary Medical Association, and local animal emergency response groups such as the Vermont Disaster Animal Response Teams.
State Level Emergency Preparedness Efforts
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is the co-lead for State Support Function (SSF)11 within the State Emergency Operations plan (SEOP). The SEOP designates the Vermont State Veterinarian as Team Leader for SSF11 during a statewide response to an emergency that impacts Vermont's animals.
In order to carry out this responsibility, the Agency of Agriculture has developed general and subject-specific emergency plans that guide activities during response to and recovery from a Vermont emergency.
This page includes more plans relevant to animals and disasters: https://agriculture.vermont.gov/animal-health/animal-health-emergency-management