University of Colorado Boulder Natural Resources Law CenterPlace of Publication: University of Colorado Law School's, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment.Publish Year: 1994Primary Citation: University of Colorado Boulder. Natural Resources Law Center, "AGENDA: Who Governs the Public Lands: Washington? The West? The Community?" (1994). Who Governs the Public Lands: Washington? The West? The Community? (September 28-30). Jurisdiction Level: Federal0Country of Origin: United States
This second annual western lands conference explored federal initiatives about policy objectives and management approaches for public lands in the West, including the Colorado Grazing Roundtable and Rangeland '94, Option 9 and the Pacific Northwest forests, bypass flows and Colorado national forests, and wilderness protection in Utah. Speakers were from federal agencies; from states; from groups concerned with the use and protection of the public lands; and from academia.