First, this article analyzes the dichotomy between legitimate, accredited zoological institutions, and roadside zoos. Understanding the difference between these types of facilities is critical to understanding how changes in federal and state law could eliminate a significant number of roadside zoos, while permitting accredited zoos to survive under firm guidelines. Second, this article will examine the current requirements of the AWA, to show how expansion in scope and specificity are critical. Specifically, this section will address the need for the AWA to extend to all captive animals, and to include specifies specific welfare provisions as well as a citizen suit provision. Third, this article will discuss the benefits of extending the Michigan anti-cruelty statute to zoos. This includes an analysis of the difference between zoos and other categories exempt from the state statute. Finally, this article will consider the effects of the proposed statute changes and provide suggestions for rehoming animals inevitably displaced by the changes in state and federal law.