
Displaying 1031 - 1040 of 1101
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
Species at Risk Act (SARA) Summary and Press Release Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This page provides a summary of the recent Species at Risk Act legislation passed in Canada in December of 2002. The act, set to come into force in 2003, seeks to protect those species deemed to be endangered, threatened or "at risk" from extinction or extirpation as well as habitat critical to the survival of those species.

How to Search for Your Municipality's Animal-Related Ordinances Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This document briefly explains how one may search for electronic versions of his or her municipality's animal control ordinances over the Interent.

Detailed Discussion of Assistance Animal Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This discussion examines the federal service animal provisions under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the relevant states. In doing so, states' equal access, criminal interference, and white cane laws are examined in addition to other laws.

Overview of Municipal Animal Control Ordinances Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview discusses the power of municipalities to enact ordinances. It then highlights some common subjects for animal care and control within municipal codes.

Detailed Discussion of Montana Great Ape Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center The following article discusses Great Apes law in Montana. Mississippi law directly regulates Great Apes by a law that bans the importation and possession of certain wild animals deemed "inherently dangerous." In addition, the state also addresses Great Apes in its general anti-cruelty law as well as its endangered species provisions. While the state of Montana controls possession and importation of “exotic wildlife” by law, great apes are not specifically identified or addressed. Instead, Montana regulates the possession of great apes by administrative regulation and reference to the federal endangered species list. In the regulations, great apes are specifically defined as a "prohibited species " meaning they “may not be possessed, sold, purchased, exchanged, or transported in Montana, except as provided. . .”. In addition, Montana law addresses the commercial use of great apes in what it terms, “roadside menageries,” where animals are kept in captivity for the purpose of exhibition or attracting trade. Like other states, Montana does not define Great Apes as "endangered," either under its own endangered species law or accompanying regulation. It does, however, cover them by reference to federal law. Finally, great apes are covered under the state’s anti-cruelty law. However, the law contains a number of exempt categories including scientific research and teaching.
FAQ on Service Animals and Air Travel Rebecca F. Wisch This FAQ provides a short explanation of the law and regulations related to service animals on U.S. commercial airlines.
Brief Summary of Local and State Dog Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This summary examines the nature and authority of state and local dog laws. It also describes the general subjects included in dog laws, such as loose dogs and impoundment procedures. The concept of preemption of local laws is also defined.

Brief Summary of Veterinary Malpractice Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides an overview of the elements of a veterinary malpractice case, possible defenses to such an action, and issues related to professional licensing of veterinarians.

State and Municipal Regulation of Dogs Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper overviews the general police power local municipalities have over the regulation of dogs. In doing so, the paper touches upon the subjects of local dog regulation and the associated caselaw. The paper also discusses preemption of local dog laws by overriding state laws.

Pet Sale Cases Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This outline provides links to the cases that relate to the sale of companion animals. While not an exhaustive list, it does provide a sampling of the case law in the area.
