
Displaying 201 - 210 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
THE INJUSTICE OF ANIMAL WELFARE: A REVIEW OF ANIMALS, PROPERTY, AND THE LAW Priscilla N. Cohn 2 Animal L. 207 (1996) This article provides a review of the book "Animals, Property, and the Law" by Gary Francione regarding the differences between animal rights and animal welfare.
THE INJUSTICE OF ANIMAL WELFARE: A REVIEW OF ANIMALS, PROPERTY, AND THE LAW Priscilla N. Cohn 2 Animal L. 207 (1996) This article provides a review of the book "Animals, Property, and the Law."
THE THIRSTY COW AND AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION Priscilla Cohn 3 Animal L. 31 (1997) "In Rain Without Thunder Gary Francione makes a number of very interesting and original points. Space will not permit a full discussion of all these points, but I would like to mention at least two points regarding his after-the-fact analysis of PETA's campaigns and the danger of using -other types of exploitation, such as sexism, to further the animal rights movement I will then discuss in more detail a third point involving a distinction Francione makes that clarifies a number of problems and has great significance for the animal rights movement."
Man['s Best Friend] Does Not Live By Bread Alone: Imposing a Duty to Provide Veterinary Care Phyllis Coleman 12 Animal L. 13 (2005)

Although all states outlaw cruelty to companion animals, most jurisdictions only prohibit causing unnecessary suffering as well as failure to provide food, water, and shelter. They do not address whether owners must obtain veterinary care. Even the few statutes that mention such treatment do not define exactly what kind and how much is required. This article highlights the deficiencies in these laws. It argues that keeping pets creates an obligation to get them medical treatment when they are sick or injured and also explains why such a duty is necessary. In addition, it proposes uniform legislation that creates an explicit obligation to provide health care to companion animals, imposes a duty on veterinarians to report cruelty, and establishes strict penalties for violations.

THE KENTUCKY HORSE: THE REALITY VS. THE MYTH AND WHAT COULD BE DONE TO CLOSE THE GAP Virginia F. Coleman 21 Animal L. 181 (2015) The iconic status of the horse in Kentucky belies the bitter reality faced by the vast majority of horses in that state. This Article explains how multiple aspects of the current law enforcement system in the state permit the persistent failure to protect horses against gross neglect and abuse, as exemplified in particular by two case studies. The Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Council, a legislative construct promoted by its backers as a unique safeguard for Kentucky horses, was in fact ill-suited ab initio for this role and has proved uninterested in it. Although there is no legislative cure for indifference on the part of those charged with enforcing laws against neglect and abuse, there are a number of legislative changes that would improve the now lamentable odds faced by Kentucky's horses. These changes, discussed in Part IV of this Article, are designed to increase the likelihood of action being taken against an offender, including through civil as well as criminal proceedings; secure immediate care for horses which have been victimized and prevent recidivism by offenders; increase the severity of the offense; dampen the current robust market for slaughter horses, and fund the costs inherent in creating a more effective enforcement system. All of the changes proposed are already law in at least some other states-in some instances in many other states--and these existing laws offer a ready model for Kentucky to follow if it so chooses. Although the focus of this Article is on Kentucky, all the legislative recommendations made are more broadly applicable to any state which does not yet have a statute as proposed in place.
Brief Summary of United Kingdom (UK) Animal Law Alice Collinson Animal Legal & Historical Center This brief summary discusses animal protection legislation in the United Kingdom (UK).
Legal Protection of Animals in the UK Alice Collinson Animal Legal & Historical Center Detailed discussion of animal cruelty offences and positive legal duties to promote animal welfare in the UK. These provisions are found in the Animal Welfare Act 2006 applicable to England and Wales, and in corresponding legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Prohibited offences include "unnecessary suffering," mutilation, docking of dogs' tails, administration of poisons and animal fighting.
Overview of UK Animal Protection Legislation Alice Collinson Animal Legal & Historical Center This article provides an overview of animal cruelty offences and positive legal duties to promote animal welfare in the UK. These provisions are found in the Animal Welfare Act 2006 applicable to England and Wales, and in corresponding legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Prohibited offences include "unnecessary suffering," mutilation, docking of dogs' tails, administration of poisons and animal fighting.'
Chronic Wasting Disease In Domesticated Elk Colorado Department of Agriculture

This document provides a short overview of the disease cycle and transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)among the elk herd in Colorado. It also outlines the steps the State of Colorado is taking to ensure detection of the disease in wild and domestic herds of bovine animals.

Feed Restrictions of Broiler Breeds (UK) Compassion in World Farming Compassion in World Farming

Science based paper on the impact of restricting feed in broiler chickens.(Extensive footnotes)
