
Displaying 301 - 310 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
Detailed Discussion of Veterinarian Malpractice David S. Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides a short history of the development of veterinary malpractice as a cause of action and also explores the elements of a malpractice suit. It further delineates the concepts of standard of care, proximate cause, and res ipsa loquitur. Defenses to malpractice actions are also discussed.

American Wildlife Law - An Introduction David Favre

This article provides a short introduction to the matrix of government interests in controlling wildlife in the United States. The powers of state and federal government are considered along with limitations on the exercise of the authority.

Brief Summary of Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides an introduction to the operation and provisions of the international treaty CITES which has been signed by over 150 countries to control the trade of endangered species.

Detailed Discussion of Dog Bite Laws David S. Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides a detailed discussion of dog bite law and liability. It includes an introduction to tort law as well as common torts involving dogs. An examination of strict liability and vicious propensity is also included.

Time for a Sharper Legal Focus David Favre 1 Animal L. 1 (1995) This article provides an introduction into premiere issue of Animal Law.
Overview of Damages for Injury to Animals - Pet losses David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview describes the state of law with regard to damages for injury or loss of pets. Included in the discussion is an examination of the traditional market valuation of pets, punitive damages, consequential damages, and damages related to emotional distress.

Some Thoughts on Animal Experimentation David Favre 2 Animal Law 161 (1996) (html version)

This article develops a quick context for discussing the use of animals in scientific research.

Overview of CITES David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article is a detailed overview of the scope and nature of the international treaty, CITES. This treaty has been adopted by over 150 countries for the control of international trade in endangered species.

Overview of U.S. Animal Welfare Act David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides a detailed consideration of the nature and scope the United States Animal Welfare Act.

Brief Summary of the US Animal Welfare Act David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This brief summary provides the main features of the US Animal Welfare Act (AWA) enacted in 1966,
