
Displaying 311 - 320 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
TWENTY YEARS AND CHANGE David Favre 20 Animal L. 7 (2013)

This Introduction provides an overview of the evolution of animal law over the past twenty years, demonstrating how changes in the law, social awareness, and legal education have directly affected this field. This Introduction describes both the positive and negative changes that have taken place, from the banning of dogfighting and cockfighting by federal law and some state laws; a spread in voter-adopted legislation providing for the protection of agricultural animals; and movements to reduce the use of chimpanzees in animal research; to the limitations of the Animal Welfare Act; changes in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy lifting the ban on USDA inspection of horsemeat; discrimination of certain breeds of dogs through breed-specific legislation; and the weakening of a number of federal laws providing protection to wildlife. This Introduction also provides an overview of case law, discussing attempts to achieve standing for animals and differing approaches in calculating damages for harm to pets. With respect to legal institutions, there has been an increasing presence of animal law sections within the American Bar Association and state bar associations. Animal law has also expanded within legal education. This is evidenced by the emergence of animal law conferences, publications in animal focused law reviews and textbooks, animal law courses at prestigious law schools, and full-time professors specializing in the area of animal law.

SOME THOUGHTS ON ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION David Favre 2 Animal L. 161 (1996) (pdf version) This article was adapted from remarks from David Favre at a symposium held by the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College on September 23, 1995 regarding issues affecting domestic and captive animals.
Detailed Discussion of Dog Bite Laws David S. Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides a detailed discussion of dog bite law and liability. It includes an introduction to tort law as well as common torts involving dogs. An examination of strict liability and vicious propensity is also included.

Some Thoughts on Animal Experimentation David Favre 2 Animal Law 161 (1996) (html version)

This article develops a quick context for discussing the use of animals in scientific research.

The Gathering Momentum David Favre 1 Journal of Animal Law 1 (2005)

This article provides introductory remarks to the Journal of Animal Law by Professor David Favre.

Detailed Discussion Landowner and Landlord Liability for Dangerous Animals David S. Favre Michigan State University College of Law

This overview explores the liability for both landowners and landlords for injuries to third parties caused by tenant's animals. As a general proposition, liability is imputed only where the landowner or landlord has a duty to a third party, which is usually based on knowledge of the vicious propensity of the animal. Further, the injury must be reasonably foreseeable under the circumstances. The paper sets forth the level of duty owed to different classes of third party visitors (licensees, invitees, and trespassers) as well as how the location of an attack affects landlord liability.

Pet Trusts and Other Estate Issues David S. Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview explores the recent changes in probate law related to wills and trusts for the continuing care of animals.


Currently there is no international agreement that ensures the welfare and protection of animals. Nor is there any international standard that regulates and defines the acceptable treatment of animals. This lack of international consensus leads to the current disparate treatment of animals around the world, echoing the need for an international framework addressing the issue. This Article discusses a proposed umbrella treaty, the International Convention for the Protection of Animals (ICPA). This umbrella treaty would enable animal welfare issues to gain international recognition and protection by setting the general guidelines and polices regarding the treatment and use of animals. This Article argues that this is the best way to successfully pursue international protection by reconciling the conflicting goals of making a treaty enticing to as many countries as possible, without eliminating enforcement mechanisms. This Article also suggests four companion protocols that would further delineate specific animal welfare standards and requirements. With the present economic climate, it may be difficult to convince countries to pass such a treaty. However, the ICPA could make it possible to begin the process of enacting groundbreaking international animal protection.

Overview of U.S. Animal Welfare Act David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides a detailed consideration of the nature and scope the United States Animal Welfare Act.

Overview of CITES David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article is a detailed overview of the scope and nature of the international treaty, CITES. This treaty has been adopted by over 150 countries for the control of international trade in endangered species.
