
Displaying 571 - 580 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
Detailed Discussion of Exotic Pet Laws Matthew G. Liebman Animal Legal and Historical Center

This paper examines state and local statutes and regulations regarding private possession of captive wildlife, or exotic pets. It also discusses the policy and constitutional issues surrounding these regulations.

Detailed Discussion of Elephants and the Ivory Trade Ann Linder Animal Legal & Historical Center This paper will examine the global ivory trade and its effect of elephant populations. It begins with a historical discussion of ivory demand as well as the relationship between elephants and ivory. The paper then looks at poaching rates over time and the poaching industry generally. Next, the paper considers two competing approaches to elephant conservation and catalogues how they have informed CITES decisions regarding elephants beginning in 1975. In addition, it discusses relevant laws in ivory-producing nations and consuming nations. Finally, the paper examines U.S. laws regarding elephants and ivory, as well as legal challenges to those policies.
Brief Summary of Elephants and the Ivory Trade Ann Linder Animal Legal & Historical Center This paper will examine the global ivory trade and its effect of elephant populations. It begins with a historical discussion of ivory demand as well as the relationship between elephants and ivory. The paper then looks at poaching rates over time and the poaching industry generally. Next, the paper considers two competing approaches to elephant conservation and catalogues how they have informed CITES decisions regarding elephants beginning in 1975. In addition, it discusses relevant laws in ivory-producing nations and consuming nations. Finally, the paper examines U.S. laws regarding elephants and ivory, as well as legal challenges to those policies.
Overview of Elephants and the Ivory Trade Ann Linder Animal Legal & Historical Center This paper gives an overview of issues surrounding the global ivory trade and its effect on elephant populations. It touches upon the historical development of ivory demand as well as the relationship between elephants and ivory. The paper then looks at poaching rates over time and the poaching industry generally as well as the two competing approaches to elephant conservation. Finally, laws and policies supporting elephant conservation are discussed.
Detailed Discussion of Legal Implications of Dolphin and Human Interactions Ann Linder Animal Legal & Historical Center This article explores recent legal and regulatory issues associated with dolphins both in the wild and in captivity. It pays special attention to areas involving human-dolphin interaction, such as entertainment, research, and therapy. It also explores current regulatory issues in the United States related to both swim-with dolphins encounters. It concludes by examining larger themes drawn from each of these areas.
Brief Summary of Legal Implications of Dolphin and Human Interactions Ann Linder Animal Legal & Historical Center This brief summary explores some of the ethical and legal issues involved in human-dolphin interactions.
Overview of Legal Implications of Dolphin and Human Interactions Ann Linder Animal Legal & Historical Center

Human interest in dolphins has grown in recent decades, spurred on by the appearances in film and popular culture as well as new research on dolphin cognition. People have developed a strong affinity for dolphins in part due to their similarities to humans.

The Ethical Case For European Legislation Against Fur Farming Andrew Linzey 13 Animal Law 147 (2006)

In recent years, several member states in the European Union enacted legislation to regulate or prohibit fur farming. This article calls for further action to ban the practice throughout the European Union. The Author notes animals’ inabilities to protect their own interests and the role of law to protect these vulnerable interests. The Author concludes by responding to the objections of fur farming proponents, ultimately finding no legitimate justification for the documented suffering of animals raised on fur farms.

An Ethical Critique of the Canadian Seal Hunt and an Examination of the Case for Import Controls on Seal Products Andrew Linzey 2 Journal of Animal Law 87 (2006)

The Canadian seal hunt has been the subject of criticism since the middle of the nineteenth century, but it is only since the 1960s that it has become a focus of international controversy. This document examines the putative justifications for the hunt and provides an ethical assessment.

COALITIONS IN THE JUNGLE: ADVANCING ANIMAL WELFARE THROUGH CHALLENGES TO CONCENTRATION IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY Kamila Lis 19 Animal L. 63 (2012) The meat processing conglomerates that currently control the majority of the market share in the meatpacking industry are responsible for its most systemic animal abuses. Increased concentration has enabled these larger processors to dictate animal treatment standards maintained by meat producers, most of whom have caved to economic pressure and moved their animals from small farms into Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Animal welfare proponents have failed to adequately challenge the concentration of the meat industry and in 2012 have yet to fully explore strategies made available by the Packers & Stockyards Act of 1921 (PSA). This Article proposes that a coalition between animal welfare activists and small meat producers, who have yet to be absorbed or driven out of business by the meatpacking giants, could effectively attack the concentration of the meat industry. First, animal welfare activists should work with small producers to expose to the public the negative human externalities associated with market concentration, such as intensive farming techniques that directly compromise consumer health. Second, the animal welfare movement should harness its legal experience to encourage small meat producers to pursue PSA-based civil suits aimed at challenging the power of the meatpacking conglomerates.
