
Displaying 921 - 930 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
The Link Among Animal Abuse, Child Abuse, and Domestic Violence Mellisa Trollinger 30-SEP Colo. Law. 29 (September, 2001)

This article discusses the link among animal abuse, child abuse, and domestic violence, with the intention of increasing attorney awareness of how such abuse impacts both clients and the community.

Brief Summary of Bear Farming and the Trade in Bear Bile Laura E. Tsai Animal Legal and Historical Center

Brief summary of the practice of bear farming in Asian nations, as well as the problem of international trade in bear bile.

Detailed Discussion of Bears Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine Laura E. Tsai Animal Legal and Historical Center

Discussion of the issue of bear farming and the international trade in bear bile. Analysis of the laws regulating farming and trade. Discusses how the issue presents a problem and proposes solutions.

Biological Information on the Asiatic Black Bear Laura E. Tsai Animal Legal and Historical Center

Information on the physical characteristics, habitat, temperament, and mating and feeding patterns of the Asiatic black bear.

Overview of Bear Farming and the Trade in Bear Bile Laura E. Tsai Animal Legal and Historical Center

College-level overview of the practice of bear farming in Asian nations, as well as the international trade in bear bile. Discussion of the laws regulating hunting and trade.

NO WAY TO TREAT MAN’S BEST FRIENDS: THE UNCOUNTED INJURIES OF ANIMAL CRUELTY VICTIMS Samantha D.E. Tucker 19 Animal L. 151 (2012) As society has come to recognize the sentience and intelligence of nonhuman animals, jurisdictions across the United States (U.S.) have promulgated animal protection laws. Despite the development of anti-cruelty statutes, though, states with sentence enhancement mechanisms continue to elevate criminal offenders’ sentences only if they injure human victims. This Note considers the development of anti-cruelty laws and explores how sentencing guidelines, victim injury points, and other sentence enhancement mechanisms function in U.S. criminal justice systems. It examines how multiple states treat victim injury, focusing particularly on Florida where, in October 2011, a Florida Assistant State Attorney—in what was likely the first attempt of its kind—sought to score victim injury points against an offender who brutally stabbed a dog. By looking at legislative intent, and other persuasive authority, this Note argues that courts can and should enhance the sentences of offenders who victimize animals. It contends that legislatures should clear up any statutory ambiguity by making it explicitly clear that the criminal justice system should treat animals as victims. Using history and current trends for support, this Note argues that we should award the same number of victim injury points for animals as people. It also looks at several other facets of practical application, such as which animals would qualify as victims for the purpose of victim injury points and how we can make animal victims and victim injury points a priority in the criminal justice system.
Biological Summary of Cattle David S. Turk Animal Legal and Historical Center

The following is a biological summary of cattle. The document quickly touches upon history, biology, and social nature of cattle. It also mentions housing used at dairy operations and lists definitions for selected terminology.

Detailed Discussion of Cattle Laws David S Turk Animal Legal and Historical Center

Detailed discussion of cattle laws. Discussion touches upon husbandry practices, dairy industry, veal industry, inspection of meat products, product labeling and marketing, grazing, and rodeos.

Overview of Cattle Laws David S. Turk Animal Legal and Historical Center

Overview of cattle laws. Overview touches upon beef cattle, dairy cattle, veal cattle, labeling standards for cattle, cattle used in rodeos, and other commercial uses of cattle.

Don't Buy the Doggy in the Window: Ending the Cycle That Perpetuates Commercial Breeding With Regulation Of The Retail Pet Industry Katherine C. Tushaus 14 Drake J. Agric. L. 501 (2009)

This Note discusses the problems with legislation and legal barriers created to battle the problems puppy mills pose to dogs bred in the United States. It then considers the applicability of legislation aimed at dealing with puppy mills at the retail level as a possible cure to the inadequacies of American regulation. This Note discusses the need for uniform regulation that goes to the heart of what sustains puppy mills, the supply and demand created by retail in the pet industry, using the model of legislation introduced in Australia, the NSW Animals (Regulation of Sale) Bill.
