Full Case Name:  Resolucion No. 07, 2023 - Kira's case - Peru

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Country of Origin:  Peru Court Name:  Corte Provincial de Justica de lima Norte, Cuarto Juzgado Penal Unipersonal Transitorio de Sede Carabayllo Primary Citation:  Expediente: 00045-2023-1-0905-JR-PE-02 Date of Decision:  Friday, June 16, 2023 Judge Name:  Enrique Palomino Gutierrez Docket Num:  00045-2023-1-0905-JR-PE-02
Summary: The plaintiff brought this case on behalf of one of her dogs, Kira. The plaintiff attended a social gathering with her children and left their two dogs, Kira and Logan, playing outside. The plaintiff returned to their home to find that their neighbor, the defendant, had committed an act of bestiality against Kira. The court discussed several constitutional questions and theories of punishment. It weighed the factors of what the defendant had done to Kira with his lack of prior record and low chance of recidivism. The court decided that the defendant was to serve 17 months of incarceration and was required to pay civil fines for the suffering of both the plaintiff and Kira. Rooted in the issue of animal welfare, too, was its holding in prohibiting the defendant from “keeping” animals to further reduce the risk of recidivism. Ultimately, the court based its decisions on grounds of animal welfare and condemnation of cruelty towards animals.
Documents:  PDF icon Peru-2023-Kira-exp-00045-2023-1-0905-JR-PE-02.pdf (244.89 KB)

See summary in Spanish. 

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