United States

Displaying 4191 - 4200 of 4799
Titlesort descending Summary
US - AWA - House Conference Report 1985 (AWA)

The Senate amendment designates this title as the “Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act.” 

US - AWA - House Debate 1966 AWA

This the debate in the House of Representatives for the initial adoption of the Animal Welfare Act in 1966. For discussion of Act see, Overview

US - AWA - House Report on 1970 Amendments to AWA

By 1970 it was apparent that changes in the law would be required if the goal of humane treatment of animals was to be realized. There were four areas of significant change to the AWA in the 1970 amendments.

US - AWA - House Report on 1976 Amendments to AWA

By 1976, rather than the use of animals in labs or stolen pets other animal protection issues had come to the forefront of public and congressional discussion. Those provisions dealing with research facilities and dealers were pretty much left alone by the 1976 amendments, which instead, dealt with several new topics.

US - AWA - Licensing and Inspection Requirements for Dealers of Dogs Intended for Hunting, Breeding, or Security Purposes

The update of the Definition of Dealer, in Section 1.1 of the Regulation is made to reflect the policy that only wholesale dealers of dogs intended for hunting, security purposes, and breeding, and not dealers of retail services, will be controlled by the regulation.  Thus, there is only a minor change to the definition of dealer, in that it now explicitly excludes any retail outlets where dogs are sold for hunting, breeding or security purposes. 

US - AWA - Part 1. Definition of Terms. § 1.1 Definitions. This portion of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations consists primarily of the definitions of the terms.
US - AWA - Part 2. Regulations. Subparts A to I This set of the regulations sets out the requirements and process for licensing and registration of dealers, exhibitors and research facilities.
US - AWA - Sectional History of AWA

This document gives legal history of the Animal Welfare Act on a section by section basis.

US - AWA - Senate Report on 1966 Animal Welfare Act

The Committee on Commerce, to which was referred the bill (H.R. 13881) to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to regulate the transportation, sale, and handling of dogs and cats intended to be used for purposes of research or experimentation, and for other purposes, having considered the same, reports favorably thereon with amendments and recommends that the bill as amended do pass.

US - AWA - Subpart A. Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats This set of regulations contain the humane care provisions for dogs and cats under the Animal Welfare Act.
