United States

Displaying 2911 - 2920 of 4799
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NY - Licenses - Chapter 69. Of the Consolidated Laws This New York statute provides that the owner of any dog reaching the age of four months shall immediately make application for a dog license. Certain villages and other municipalities may provide for differing licensure regulations as described in this statute. The statute outlines the specific application procedures for obtaining a license, including a purebred license.
NY - Licenses - Chapter 69. Of the Consolidated Laws. Article 7. Licensing, Identification and Control of Dogs This New York statute provides the schedule of license fees for all dogs. It also enables local municipalities to enact licensing ordinances in addition to the fee proscribed by statute. This additional revenue shall be used only for controlling dogs and enforcing this article and any rule, regulation, or local law or ordinance adopted pursuant thereto, including subsidizing the spaying or neutering of dogs and subsidizing public humane education programs in responsible dog ownership.
NY - Lien upon strays - § 310. Lien upon strays If any person finds any livestock on their enclosed land, or finds livestock on their land doing damage, and the livestock did not come from adjoining lands because of the refusal or neglect to erect a division fence required by law, such person may have a lien over all other liens on such livestock. The lien shall last for as long as such person retains possession of the livestock, and as long as the damage remains to his land, until the damages, charges, fees, and costs are paid for keeping the livestock.
NY - Lost Dog - Article 7-B. Lost and Found Property. This section comprises New York's Lost and Found Property provisions.
NY - Municipal power - Chapter 69. Of the Consolidated Laws. This New York law provides that the commissioner is hereby authorized to (a) promulgate, after public hearing, such rules and regulations as are necessary to supplement and give full effect to the provisions of sections one hundred thirteen, one hundred fourteen and one hundred seventeen of this article; and (b) exercise all other powers and functions as are necessary to carry out the duties and purposes set forth in sections one hundred thirteen, one hundred fourteen and one hundred seventeen of this article.
NY - Ordinances - Chapter 62. Of the Consolidated Laws. This New York statute provides that a town board after a public hearing may enact, amend and repeal ordinances, rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, including the restraining of the running at large of horses, cattle, sheep, unmuzzled dogs, whether licensed or not, and those authorizing the impounding and sale of the same for the costs of keeping, proceedings and penalty, or the killing of unmuzzled dogs. It also provides that towns may enact ordinances promoting the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the community, as long they are not inconsistent with existing law.
NY - Police Dog - § 122-c. Transport of police work dogs injured in the line of duty This New York statutes allows for paramedics or emergency medical service technicians to transport any police work dog that is injured in the line of duty to a veterinary clinic if there are no persons requiring medical attention or transport at such time.
NY - Police dog - § 122-c. Transport of police work dogs injured in the line of duty This New York law from 2015 states that an emergency medical service paramedic or emergency medical service technician may transport any police work dog injured in the line of duty to a veterinary clinic or similar such facility provided, however, that there are no persons requiring medical attention or transport at such time.
NY - Property, theft - Chapter 69. Of the Consolidated Laws. This New York statute provides that it is a crime to steal dogs, defined as: removing the collar, identification tag or any other identification by which the owner may be ascertained from any dog, cat or any other domestic animal; seizing or molesting any dog, while it is being held or led by any person or while it is properly muzzled or wearing a collar with an identification tag attached, except where such action is incidental to the enforcement of some law or regulation; or transporting any dog, not lawfully in his possession, for the purpose of killing or selling such dog.
NY - Racing - § 220. Licenses for participants and employees at race meetings The state racing and wagering board issues licenses to owners, trainers, assistant trainers and jockeys, jockey agents, and stable employees for horse races, including steeplechases.
