
Displaying 6541 - 6550 of 6754
Titlesort descending Author Citation Summary Type
Whaling in the Antarctic Whaling in the Antarctic (Austl. v. Japan), 2010 Judgment. In June 2010, Australia commenced proceedings against Japan at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), alleging that Japan has continued an extensive whaling program in breach of its obligations as a signatory to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW). At issue was the moratorium on commercial whaling agreed upon in the 1980s. According to Australia, though Japan claimed to be killing whales purely for scientific reasons, the true purpose of the program was commercial. Japan did not deny that it was killing whales in the Antarctic, but claimed instead that because the ICRW grants each nation state the right to issue licenses for scientific whaling as it sees fit, Japan’s whaling program was legal. The ICJ ruled that Japan's Antarctic whaling program was not actually for scientific whaling and must end. Case
What About The Polar Bears? The Future of The Polar Bears as Predicted by a Survey of Success Under The Endangered Species Act Laura Navarro 19 Vill. Envtl. L.J. 169 (2008)

The proposed listing of polar bears raises questions about what that listing might mean for the polar bears as a species, and how successful conservation efforts will or can be. This Comment explores these and other questions implicated by the proposed listing of polar bears as an endangered species under the Act.

What About Wilbur? Proposing a Federal Statute to Provide Minimum Humane Living Conditions for Farm Animals Raised for Food Pro Amy Mosel 27 UDTNLR 133 (2001)

This article proposes federal legislation that would provide minimum standards for the daily living conditions of animals raised for food production.

What Can Animal Law Learn from Environmental Law?


What Can Pet Owners Hope to Recover for the Negligent or Intentional Killing of Their Pets? Jennifer C. Wang Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article explores what kind of damages pet owners can recover from bringing a lawsuit. While traditional damages are based on economic concepts such as fair market value and consequential damages, the article also explores the recent trend for courts to recognize non-economic damages such as intrinsic value, mental anguish and suffering, and loss of companionship. Unfortunately, however, although a few courts have been leaders in validating these new concepts, the vast majority still do not recognize them.

What Claims Can be Brought When a Pet Has Been Shot Unlawfully? Jennifer C. Wang Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article reviews state and federal causes of action that can be brought when a pet has been shot unlawfully and the different claims that are available depending on whether the shooter is a government employee, such as a police officer or animal control official, or an ordinary citizen. The articles also explores the various defenses that defendants may assert, including qualified immunity for government employees.

What Due Process Should be Provided to Dog Owners Before the Government can Remove or Euthanize Their Dogs? Jennifer C. Wang Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article discusses what due process rights dog owners must receive before the government can remove or euthanize their dogs.

What is a Puppy Mill? Robyn F. Katz Animal Legal & Historical Center

This short summary gives a description of what constitutes a "puppy mill."

What is the Current Law Concerning the Civil and Financial Responsibility of Dog Owners Whose Dogs Injure Others? Jennifer C. Wang Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article explores the various legal claims which can be brought against a pet owner for injuries that his or her pet has caused. It also reviews defenses that pet owners can assert.

What is the EU (European Union)? Nicholas K. Pederson Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper briefly outlines what the EU is and what countries make up the association. It also discusses how and why the EU was formed as well as the legislative structure.

