
Displaying 1 - 10 of 46
Title Citation Summary Type
Argentina - Trade, wildlife - Ley 22.344, 1980 LEY Nº 22.344 This is the law by which Argentina approves and adopts the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" (CITES), signed in the city of Washington on March 3, 1973, with its Appendices and Amendments. The purpose of CITES is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Statute
PRIETO, GERMÁN LUIS C/ COLONNA LUCIANA ANDREA, EXPTE. N° 450237 Sentencia definitiva numero: 86 "PRIETO, GERMÁN LUIS C/ COLONNA LUCIANA ANDREA – ORDINARIO – EXPSentencia número 86 de la Cámara de Apelaciones de lo Civil y Comercial y en lo Contencioso Administrativo, de la ciudad de Río Cuarto de 26 de octubre de 2012 This case revolves around a dispute between German Luis Prieto (the plaintiff) and Luciana Andrea Colonna (the defendant) regarding the ownership of personal property acquired during their cohabitation. The plaintiff claimed sole ownership of the property assets and sought their return, while the defendant argued that these assets constituted community property acquired for their shared residence during their relationship. Additionally, the defendant claimed that the plaintiff granted her exclusive possession and gifted the property to her upon their separation, relieving her of any obligation to return it. The court held that the plaintiff had the right to take back the property, with the exception of Bauty, considering that the latter had developed a significant emotional bond with the defendant and that his surrender could cause unnecessary suffering. In the judge's view, dogs were not mere "things." Consequently, the judge upheld the lower court's decision in part, ordering all the assets to be returned to the plaintiff. At the same time, the defendant was allowed to retain custody of the canine companion. Case
Argentina - Farm animals - Decreto 206, 2001 Decreto 206/2001 Decreto 206/2001 created the The National Program of Organic Production (PRONAO), which is under the jurisdiction of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Food of the Ministry of Economy. The purpose of this program is to promote the production and trade of organic production in Argentina. Specifically, Chapter VII of this decreto regulates animal production. Article 13. Reads: “Organic livestock should develop a harmonious relationship between land, plants and livestock, and respect the physiological and behavioral needs of animals." Animals produced under these organic standards must meet animal welfare guidelines. This program advises to use alternative practices to mutilations such as tail-docking, debeaking, tooth and wing trimming. It specifically states that this practices are not recommended as a concurrent practice. Statute
QUATTROCCHIO WANDA S/ MALTRATO ANIMAL QUATTROCCHIO WANDA S/ MALTRATO ANIMAL (Expte. Nº PEX 292565/21) This is an animal cruelty case in which Wanda Quattrochio witnessed the defendant whipping the neighbor's dogs. Wanda recorded the events and filed a complaint about animal cruelty. The defendant was in charge of caring for the dogs while their owner was away. When the authorities arrived at the house to seize the dogs, they found six dogs in small dirty kennels, with unclean water and without food. After considering the testimony of witnesses and other evidence, the judge concluded that the defendant had violated articles 1-3 of the anti-cruelty law (Ley 14.346) and was found guilty of animal cruelty. In her analysis of the case, the judge stated that animals were not things or resources but rather living beings with the potential to be "subjects of life." Case
Argentina - Racing, dog - Ley 27.330 Ley 27.330 This law prohibits dog racing in the country regardless of the dog breed. It establishes a punishment of up to four years of prison and fines for those who organize, promote, or facilitate dog races. Statute
Argentina - Marine mammals - Ley 22.584, 1982 LEY N° 22.584 Ley 22584 approves the "Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources” that was adopted at the Diplomatic Conference held in Canberra on May 20, 1980 and subscribed by Argentina on the September 11th of that year. Statute
Argentina - Companion animals - Decreto 1088/2011 Decreto 1088/2011 This law creates the "National Program for Responsible Ownership and Health of Dogs and Cats" in Argentina. Statute
Argentina - Widlife - Ley 26.600, 2010 Ley 26.600 This Ley approved the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles, adopted in Caracas, Venezuela. Statute
Argentina - Marine mammals - Ley 23.094, 1984 Ley Nacional 23.094/84 This law declares the southern right whale a natural monument within Argentine jurisdictional waters and subject to the rules established by Law No. 22.351, which regulates the concerning procedures for the declaration of national parks, natural monuments, and national reserves. Statute
Argentina - Racing - Ley 27330, Dog Racing law Ley 27330 This law prohibits dog racing of any breed in the entire territory. Organization, promotion, and facilitation of a dog race are punishable by imprisonment of not less than 3 months and not more than 4 years. Together with fines that can go from 4,000 Argentinian pesos to $80,000. Statute
