
Displaying 821 - 830 of 1083
Titlesort descending Summary
US - AWA - 1995 Public Law 104-88 Public Law 104-88 amended the Animal Welfare act by striking Interstate Commerce Commission and adding Surface Transportation Board.
US - AWA - 2002 Public Law 107-171 Enacted January 23, 2002, the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act changed the definition of "animal" in the Animal Welfare Act to specifically exclude birds, rats of the genus Rattus, and mice of the genus Mus, bred for use in research. The law also addressed animal fighting ventures by making it a misdemeanor to ship a bird in interstate commerce for fighting purposes, or to sponsor to exhibit a bird in a fight that had been shipped for such purposes.
US - AWA - 2007 Public Law110-22 The Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007 was signed into law on May 3, 2007. The law upgrades current penalties by creating felony-level jail time (up to 3 years) for violations of the federal animal fighting law, and it also prohibits interstate and foreign commerce of cockfighting weapons (e.g., knife, gaff, etc.).
US - AWA - 2008 Public Law 110-234 2008 Amendments to the Animal Welfare Act concerning the importation of live dogs.
US - AWA - 2008 Public Law 110-246 The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, P.L. 110-246 amends the Animal Welfare Act by strengthening penalties related to animal fighting, including an increase in imprisonment. The 2008 bill also contained language prohibiting imports for resale of dogs unless they are at least six months of age, in good health, and have all necessary vaccinations, with some exemptions defined. Finally, fines for violations of the Animal Welfare Act increased from $2500 to $10,000 per violation, per animal, per day.
US - AWA - 2014 Public Law113-79 The 2014 amendments to the Animal Welfare Act allows the Secretary of agriculture to define de minimis, as well as several grammatical changes. The public law also provides the prohibits anyone from allowing a person who has not attained the age of 16 from attending an animal fighting venture.
US - AWA - Animal Welfare Act The AWA is, in the main, a regulatory law that seeks to control who may possess or sell certain animals and the living conditions (for non-agricultural, domestic animals) under which the animals must be kept. The law provides for criminal penalties, civil penalties and revocation of permits for violations of the AWA.
US - AWA - Animal Welfare Act Decisions

This document contains references to both court decisions and administrative proceedings under the Animal Welfare Act on a section by section basis.

US - AWA - Animal Welfare; Definition of Animal
The update to the Definition of Animal, in Section 1.1 of the Regulation, is simply made to make the definition of animal in the regulations more similar to that in the AWA.


The main change relates to mice, rats, and birds.


The definition in the Regulation has excluded mice and rats used for research, and all birds.


With this amendment, only birds that are bred or used for the purpose of research will be excluded.


US - AWA - Animal Welfare; Inspection, Licensing, and Procurement of Animals

Several changes and updates have been made to the licensing requirements, the procedures for licenses renewals, and restrictions upon acquisitions of dogs, cats, and other animals.


Although there have been several minor changes, with little affect to the regulation, there have been some more significant changes as well.


The new regulation seems to tighten restrictions, and provides specific guidelines for license applicants.

