Master's Degree in Animal Law and Society



Master's Degree in Animal Law and Society (Onsite)

The master in Animal Law and Society is a professional specialisation programme which aims to train experts in animal-related professions. It is based on a comparative law perspective, while bearing in mind the needs of society as a whole.

The master is highly interdisciplinary and seeks to provide integrated training in the knowledge of animals in the fields of law, ethology, nutrition and welfare, ethical dimensions, artistic representations and entertainment, organisation and social responsibility.

The master is heavily focused on practical sessions, since it aims to train professionals in handling the new challenges posed by society and its relation with animals. The programme is addressed to those interested in developing a profession related to animals, providing them with the necessary theoretical and practical skills demanded by a society in constant communication and increasingly aware of the role a humane treatment to animals represents for sustainable development and for a peaceful coexistence.

The program, now in its eighth edition, begins in October of 2019. More information can be found here.


Master's Degree in Animal Law and Society (Online)

This online master's degree programme is oriented towards professional specialisation and aims to train up experts in animal-related work, from a global legal perspective, attending to the needs of a society that is becoming more and more aware of the legal implications of treating animals as sentient beings. The advantage of this online version of the programme over its classroom-based counterpart is that it can meet the increasing demand from students from abroad, or from other autonomous communities in Spain, who cannot change residence in order to take a classroom-based master's degree.

This master's is markedly interdisciplinary in nature and aspires to provide a well-rounded education by combining animal-related subject areas within law, ethology, nutrition, welfare, ethics, art and entertainment, organisation and social responsibility.

The program, now in its fourth edition, begins January of 2019. More information can be found here.