Monthly Publish Directions

Monthly Publish


Archive News Items:

1. Copy current news items.

2. Go to Basic Page for News Archives

3. Paste current news items below the name of the  month.

4. Make the current month name in H3 and achor that month.

5. Put name of month at top and add link on current page.


Archive Cases:

1. Go to Structure.

2. Click on Home Page Other Content.

3. Copy current month's cases.

4. Go to Basic Page and then go to Prior Animal Law Cases of the Month.

5. Paste current month's cases onto page (you may have to de-select the heading for the past month's so that pasted cases do not appear in that format).

6. Add name of new month at the top.

7. Add H3 headings to the name of the month.


Add New News Items to Front Page:

1. Go to Structure.

2. Go to Home Page News Block.

3. On each news item, click on the image icon. Go to Browse to change image to new image related to the news item next to line that says Image URL. Click on Upload to browse computer to image. Click on image. Click on both Upload and Thumb. Highlight the image and click Insert File. Click Update.

4. Once image is inserted, create a new headline in bold.

5. Now create a summary for the News Item with links to any relevant external items and our materials.

6. Repeat to make several News Items.

7. Click on Save Block.


Add Cases to Front Page:

1. Go to Structure.

2. Go to Blocks.

3. Scroll down to "Content."

4. Go to Home page other content.

5. Click Configure at right.

6. Do not erase heading for "Cases."

7. Provided that you have already archived your cases, copy and paste new cases over previous cases. DO NOT delete articles or link to Case Archives that follows the cases.

8. Cases go with federal first, followed by state cases in alphabetical order.

9. Italicize case name.

10. Link the case names to the cases that have been uploaded using link button.

11. Click Save Block.

Strange But True Animal Laws:

1. Go to Structure.

2. Go to Blocks.

3. Scroll down to First Sidebar.

4. Find "Feature box - amazing but true."

5. Click Configure at right.

6. To retain formatting, keep a copy of the html or remove only the new text (reveal code with html button on button bar to see where html ends).

7. Paste new text.

8. Link to the relevant state law for the state name mentioned in text.

9. Click Save Block.