Full Statute Name:  West's Annotated California Codes. Fish and Game Code. Division 4. Birds and Mammals. Part 3. Mammals. Chapter 4. Deer. Article 2. License Tags

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Primary Citation:  West's Ann. Cal. Fish & G. Code § 4330 - 4341 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  September, 2024 Alternate Citation:  CA FISH & G § 4330 - 4341 Historical: 
Summary: These provisions relate to the license requirements for deer hunting for both residents and nonresidents of California. For example, the holder of a deer tag license shall carry the tag while hunting deer, and upon the killing of any deer, shall immediately fill out the tag and permanently mark the date of the kill. The deer tag shall be immediately attached to the antlers of antlered deer or to the ear of any other deer and kept attached during the open season and for 15 days thereafter.

§ 4330 . Deer tag or permit required

§ 4331 . Design and makeup of tag; procedure for issuance and use

§ 4332 . Tags; number; fee 

§ 4333 . Period for which tags are valid

§ 4334 . Tags; sale as fundraisers; restrictions; funds

§ 4335 [No section for this number.]

§ 4336 Use of deer tags

§ 4337-4339 . [No sections for these numbers.]

§ 4340 . Forfeiture of tags; effects of forfeiture

§ 4341 . Tag to be countersigned



§ 4330. Deer tag or permit required

It is unlawful to take any deer without first procuring a deer tag or permit authorizing the taking of that deer.


(Stats.1957, c. 456, p. 1386, § 4330. Amended by Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 83.)


§ 4331. Design and makeup of tag; procedure for issuance and use

The commission may determine the design and makeup of the deer tag and prescribe the procedures for issuance and use.


(Stats.1957, c. 456, p. 1386, § 4331. Amended by Stats.1977, c. 839, p. 2517, § 8; Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 84.


§ 4332. Tags; number; fee

(a) Any resident of this state, 12 years of age or over, who possesses a valid hunting license, may procure one tag for the taking of one deer by one person during the current license year, upon payment of the base fee of ten dollars ($10) for the license year beginning July 1, 1986, and the base fee as adjusted under Section 713 for subsequent license years.

(b) Any nonresident of this state, 12 years of age or over, who possesses a valid hunting license, may procure one tag for the taking of one deer by one person during the current license year, upon payment of the base fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for the license year beginning July 1, 1986, and the base fee as adjusted under Section 713 for subsequent license years.

(c) If provided in regulations adopted by the commission under Section 200, any resident of this state, 12 years of age or over, who possesses a deer tag may procure one additional deer tag for the taking of one additional deer during the current license season, upon payment of the base fee of twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) for the license years beginning July 1, 1986, and the base fee as adjusted under Section 713 for subsequent license years.

(d) If provided in regulations adopted by the commission under Section 200, any nonresident of this state, 12 years of age or over, who possesses a deer tag may procure one additional deer tag for the taking of one additional deer during the current license season, upon payment of the base fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for the license year beginning July 1, 1986, and the base fee as adjusted under Section 713 for subsequent license years.

(Added by Stats.1978, c. 855, p. 2710, § 9. Amended by Stats.1983, c. 1117, § 6; Stats.1984, c. 1411, § 2, operative July 1, 1985; Stats.1993, c. 804 (A.B.1432), § 7; Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 85; Stats.2010, c. 408 (S.B.1058), § 8; Stats.2023, c. 132 (A.B.1760), § 93, eff. Jan. 1, 2024.)

Editors' Notes
2023 Amendment
Section 4332 is amended to delete duplicative material. See Section 3953(b). [49 Cal.L.Rev.Comm. Reports __ (2023)].


§ 4333. Period for which tags are valid

Tags are valid only during that portion of the current hunting license year in which deer may be taken or possessed in any area.


(Stats.1957, c. 456, p. 1387, § 4333. Amended by Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 86.)


§ 4334. Tags; sale as fundraisers; restrictions; funds

(a) The commission shall annually direct the department to authorize, pursuant to Section 1054.8, the sale of not more than 10 deer tags for the purpose of raising funds for programs and projects as set forth in Section 3953. All revenue from the sale of tags pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Big Game Management Account established in Section 3953 and, upon appropriation by the Legislature, shall be expended as set forth in that section.

(b) These tags may be sold to residents or nonresidents of the State of California at auction or by any other method and are not subject to the fees prescribed by Section 4332.

(c) These funds shall augment, not supplant, any other funds appropriated to the department for the preservation, restoration, utilization, and management of deer. All revenues derived from the sale of these tags shall be remitted to the department by the seller.


(Added by Stats.2010, c. 408 (S.B.1058), § 10.)


§ 4335 [No section for this number.]


§ 4336. Use of deer tags

(a) The person to whom a deer tag has been issued shall carry the tag while hunting deer. Upon the killing of any deer, that person shall immediately fill out the tag completely, legibly, and permanently, and cut out or punch out and completely remove notches or punch holes for the month and date of the kill. The deer tag shall be immediately attached to the antlers of antlered deer or to the ear of any other deer and kept attached during the open season and for 15 days thereafter. The holder of the deer tag shall immediately, upon harvesting a deer, notify the department in a manner specified by the commission.

(b) Except as otherwise provided by this code or regulation adopted pursuant to this code, it is unlawful to possess any untagged deer.


(Stats.1957, c. 456, p. 1387, § 4336. Amended by Stats.1970, c. 111, p. 338, § 3; Stats.1994, c. 248 (A.B.1390), § 1; Stats.2001, c. 112 (A.B.435), § 30; Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 88. )


§ 4337-4339. [No sections for these numbers.]


§ 4340. Forfeiture of tags; effects of forfeiture

(a) Any person who is convicted of a violation of any provision of this code, or of any rule, regulation, or order made or adopted under this code, relating to deer shall forfeit his or her deer tags, and no new deer tags shall be issued to that person during the then current license year for hunting licenses.

(b) No person described in subdivision (a) may apply for deer tags for the following license year.


(Stats.1957, c. 456, p. 1387, § 4340. Amended by Stats.1985, c. 203, § 1; Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 89. )


§ 4341. Tag to be countersigned

Any person legally killing a deer in this state shall have the tag for that deer countersigned by a person employed by the department, a person designated for that purpose by the commission, a notary public, a postmaster, a peace officer, or an officer authorized to administer oaths, before transporting the deer, except to transport the deer to the nearest person authorized to countersign the tag, on the route from where the deer is taken to that person.

(Stats.1957, c. 456, p. 1387, § 4341. Amended by Stats.1961, c. 88, p. 1097, § 2; Stats.1998, c. 931 (S.B.2139), § 156, eff. Sept. 28, 1998; Stats.2007, c. 285 (A.B.1729), § 90; Stats.2023, c. 132 (A.B.1760), § 94, eff. Jan. 1, 2024.)


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