Links on Dog Law Page:
3 P.S. § 459-102. Definitions (including "service dog" and "person with a disability")
§ 459-217. Service dogs and dogs used by municipal or State Police departments
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. Crimes and Offenses.Part II. Definition of Specific Offenses. Article F. Offenses Against Public Order and Decency. Chapter 55. Riot, Disorderly Conduct and Related Offenses. Subchapter B. Cruelty to Animals
§ 5535. Attack of guide dog
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. Crimes and Offenses. Part II. Definition of Specific Offenses. Article G. Miscellaneous Offenses. Chapter 73. Trade and Commerce. Subchapter A. Definition of Offenses Generally.
§ 7325 . Discrimination on account of service, guide or support dog or other aid animal
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 43 P.S. Labor. Chapter 17. Human Relations.
§ 952 . Findings and declaration of policy
§ 953 . Right to freedom from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 75 Pa.C.S.A. Vehicles. Part III. Operation of Vehicles. Chapter 35. Special Vehicles and Pedestrians. Subchapter C. Rights and Duties of Pedestrians.
§ 3549 . Blind pedestrians
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. Crimes and Offenses.Part II. Definition of Specific Offenses. Article F. Offenses Against Public Order and Decency. Chapter 55. Riot, Disorderly Conduct and Related Offenses. Subchapter B. Cruelty to Animals
§ 5535. Attack of guide dog
(a) Offense defined.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if the person is the owner of a dog that kills, maims or disfigures a guide dog of an individual who is blind, a hearing dog of an individual who is deaf or audibly impaired or a service dog of an individual who is physically limited without provocation by the guide, hearing or service dog or the individual.
(b) Culpability.--A person commits an offense under this section only if the person knew or should have known that the dog the person owns had a propensity to attack human beings or domestic animals without provocation, and the owner knowingly or recklessly failed to restrain the dog or keep the dog in a contained, secure manner.
(c) Penalty.--A person convicted of violating this section shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $5,000 and shall be ordered to make reparations for veterinary costs in treating the guide, hearing or service dog and, if necessary, the cost of obtaining and training a replacement guide, hearing or service dog.
(d) Civil penalty and restitution.--
(1) A person who is the owner of a dog that kills, maims or disfigures a guide dog of an individual who is blind, a hearing dog of an individual who is deaf or audibly impaired or a service dog of an individual who is physically limited shall be subject to paragraph (2) if both of the following apply:
(i) The owner knew the dog had a propensity to attack human beings or domestic animals.
(ii) The owner failed to restrain the dog or keep the dog in a contained, secure manner.
(2) A court of common pleas may impose any of the following upon a person who is the owner of a dog under paragraph (1):
(i) A civil penalty of up to $15,000.
(ii) Reparations for veterinary costs in treating the guide, hearing or service dog and, if necessary, the cost of retraining the dog or of obtaining and training a replacement guide, hearing or service dog.
(iii) Loss of income for the time the individual is unable to work due to the unavailability of the guide, hearing or service dog.
2017, June 28, P.L. 215, No. 10, § 4, effective in 60 days [Aug. 28, 2017].
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 43 P.S. Labor. Chapter 17. Human Relations.
§ 952. Findings and declaration of policy
Recognized as Unconstitutional by Cook v. Pennsylvania Lab. Rels. Bd., 315 A.3d 885 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2022)
(a) The practice or policy of discrimination against individuals or groups by reason of their race, color, familial status, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, use of guide or support animals because of the blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals is a matter of concern of the Commonwealth. Such discrimination foments domestic strife and unrest, threatens the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth, and undermines the foundations of a free democratic state. The denial of equal employment, housing and public accommodation opportunities because of such discrimination, and the consequent failure to utilize the productive capacities of individuals to their fullest extent, deprives large segments of the population of the Commonwealth of earnings necessary to maintain decent standards of living, necessitates their resort to public relief and intensifies group conflicts, thereby resulting in grave injury to the public health and welfare, compels many individuals to live in dwellings which are substandard, unhealthful and overcrowded, resulting in racial segregation in public schools and other community facilities, juvenile delinquency and other evils, thereby threatening the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Commonwealth and its inhabitants.
(b) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of this Commonwealth to foster the employment of all individuals in accordance with their fullest capacities regardless of their race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, use of guide or support animals because of the blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals, and to safeguard their right to obtain and hold employment without such discrimination, to assure equal opportunities to all individuals and to safeguard their rights to public accommodation and to secure housing accommodation and commercial property regardless of race, color, familial status, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, use of guide or support animals because of blindness or deafness of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of guide or support animals.
(c) This act shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the Commonwealth for the protection of the public welfare, prosperity, health and peace of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
1955, Oct. 27, P.L. 744, No. 222, § 2. As amended 1961, Feb. 28, P.L. 47, § 1; 1967, Aug. 11, P.L. 208, § 1; 1969, July 9, P.L. 133, No. 56, § 1; 1974, Dec. 19, P.L. 966, No. 318, § 1, imd. effective; 1982, April 8, P.L. 284, No. 80, § 1, imd. effective; 1986, Dec. 16, P.L. 1626, No. 186, § 1, imd. effective; 1991, Dec. 20, P.L. 414, No. 51, § 2, imd. effective.
§ 953. Right to freedom from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation
Recognized as Unconstitutional by Cook v. Pennsylvania Lab. Rels. Bd., 315 A.3d 885 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2022)
The opportunity for an individual to obtain employment for which he is qualified, and to obtain all the accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any public accommodation and of any housing accommodation and commercial property without discrimination because of race, color, familial status, religious creed, ancestry, handicap or disability, age, sex, national origin, the use of a guide or support animal because of the blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals is hereby recognized as and declared to be a civil right which shall be enforceable as set forth in this act.
1955, Oct. 27, P.L. 744, No. 222, § 3. Amended 1961, Feb. 28, P.L. 47, § 1; 1967, Aug. 11, P.L. 208, § 1; 1969, July 9, P.L. 133, No. 56, § 1; 1974, Dec. 19, P.L. 966, No. 318, § 1, imd. effective; 1982, April 8, P.L. 284, No. 80, § 1, imd. effective; 1986, Dec. 16, P.L. 1626, No. 186, § 1, imd. effective; 1991, Dec. 20, P.L. 414, No. 51, § 2, imd. effective.
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. Crimes and Offenses. Part II. Definition of Specific Offenses. Article G. Miscellaneous Offenses. Chapter 73. Trade and Commerce. Subchapter A. Definition of Offenses Generally.
§ 7325. Discrimination on account of service, guide or support dog or other aid animal
(a) Offense defined.--A person is guilty of a summary offense if he, being the proprietor, manager or employee of a theatre, hotel, restaurant or other place of public accommodation, entertainment or amusement, refuses, withholds or denies any person, who is using a service, guide or support dog or other aid animal to assist an individual with a disability or who is training a service, guide or support dog or other aid animal for an individual with a disability, the use of or access to any accommodation, advantage, facility or privilege of such theatre, hotel, restaurant or other place of public entertainment or amusement.
(b) Definition.--As used in this section, the term “service, guide or support dog” shall have the same meaning given it under section 5531 (relating to definitions).
1980, Dec. 18, P.L. 1251, No. 227, § 1, effective in 60 days. Amended 1982, May 12, P.L. 416, No. 121, § 1, imd. effective; 1990, May 31, P.L. 219, No. 47, § 2, effective in 60 days; 2000, Oct. 18, P.L. 605, No. 80, § 1, effective in 60 days; 2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 685, No. 104, § 3, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutess. Title 75 Pa.C.S.A. Vehicles. Part III. Operation of Vehicles. Chapter 35. Special Vehicles and Pedestrians. Subchapter C. Rights and Duties of Pedestrians.
(b) Effect of absence of cane or dog.-- This section shall not be construed to deprive a totally or partially blind pedestrian not carrying a cane or not being guided by a dog of the rights and privileges conferred by law upon pedestrians crossing streets or highways, nor shall the failure of a totally or partially blind pedestrian to carry a cane or to be guided by a guide dog upon the streets, highways or sidewalks of this Commonwealth be held to constitute contributory negligence in and of itself.
(c) Penalty.-- A violation of subsection (a) constitutes a summary offense punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $150.
1976, June 17, P.L. 162, No. 81, § 1, effective July 1, 1977. Amended 2002, Oct. 4, P.L. 845, No. 123, § 7, effective in 60 days.
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 1, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 2, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 3, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 4, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
1 42 U.S.C.A. § 12101 et seq.
2 43 P.S. § 951 et seq..
§ 405.5. Misrepresentation of entitlement to assistance animal or service animal
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 5, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 6, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].
2018, Oct. 24, P.L. 733, No. 118, § 7, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2018].