
Displaying 171 - 180 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
Overview of Great Apes under the Endangered Species Act Hanna Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center This is a brief overview of the regulation of Great Apes under the Endangered Species Act.
Detailed Discussion of Michigan Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various Michigan state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries. The discussion concludes with a compilation of local ordinances which govern the possession and use of apes within geographic subdivisions of the state.
Detailed Discussion of Alabama Great Ape Laws Hanna V. Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article discusses the state laws that govern the import, possession, use, and treatment of Great Apes in Alabama. Generally, there are very few state-level restrictions on activities involving those animals; however, Alabama does regulate the possession and treatment of apes by certain exhibitors. Also included are many local ordinances that have been enacted by counties and municipalities to restrict or regulate Great Apes within political subdivisions of the state.

Overview of Alabama Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center This article discusses the state laws that govern the import, possession, use, and treatment of Great Apes in Alabama. In Alabama, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and gibbons are considered “Class 1” wildlife, which means that they are among the most heavily regulated wild animals in the state. Although the possession and use of apes is heavily regulated in certain areas, such as display and exhibition, it is virtually unregulated in other areas. The following article begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries. The discussion concludes with a compilation of local ordinances which govern the possession and use of apes within geographic subdivisions of the state.
Detailed Discussion of Florida Great Ape Laws Hanna V. Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article discusses the state laws that govern the import, possession, use, and treatment of Great Apes in Florida. In general, a state permit is required to import or possess apes. The state does not issue permits to keep apes as pets; however, individuals who possessed apes prior to the 1980 ban may be permitted to keep those apes for the remainder of the animals’ lives. The state does issue permits to import and possess apes for commercial or scientific uses to applicants who are qualified by age and experience and who have appropriate facilities. Permittees must comply with stringent legal requirements for the housing, care, maintenance, and use of apes. Also included within the article are local ordinances which have been enacted by counties and municipalities to restrict or regulate Great Apes within political subdivisions of the state.

Overview of Alabama Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center This article discusses the state laws that govern the import, possession, use, and treatment of Great Apes in Alabama. In Alabama, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and gibbons are considered “Class 1” wildlife, which means that they are among the most heavily regulated wild animals in the state. Although the possession and use of apes is heavily regulated in certain areas, such as display and exhibition, it is virtually unregulated in other areas. The following article begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries. The discussion concludes with a compilation of local ordinances which govern the possession and use of apes within geographic subdivisions of the state.
Overview of Alaska Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center In Alaska, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gibbons are considered “game” animals which are regulated by the state’s Department of Fish and Game (DFG). In general, it is illegal to import and possess apes without a DFG permit.The following article begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries.
Detailed Discussion of Missouri Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Animal Legal & Historical Center The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various Missouri state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries. The discussion concludes with a compilation of local ordinances which govern the possession and use of apes within geographic subdivisions of the state.
Overview of Arizona Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Animal Legal and Historical Center This is a short overview of Arizona Great Ape law.
Table of Biological Facts on Great Apes Hanna Coate The Animal Legal and Historical Center This chart details population trends and the habitat ranges for Great Apes (gorillas, bonobos, organgutans, gibbons, chimpanzees).
