
Displaying 481 - 490 of 1100
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary
Incidents & Attacks Involving Captive Chimpanzees Alicia S Ivory Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article describes several incidents in which captive chimpanzees have escaped, attacked or threatened humans, or have been injured or killed as a result of such an incident.

Overview of Laws Affecting Chimpanzees Alicia S Ivory Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article summarizes international and federal laws affecting chimpanzees.

Brief Overview of Chimpanzee Laws Alicia S Ivory Animal Legal and Historical Center

This article briefly covers the main threats to chimpanzee welfare, the tools currently in place to protect them, and suggestions for improving their status.

Dead Dog Running: The Cruelty of Greyhound Racing and the Bases for its Abolition in Massachusetts Erin N. Jackson 7 Animal L. 175 (2001)

Ms. Jackson explores the greyhound racing industry in Massachusetts in her article and discusses the widespread and well-known animal abuse rampant in the industry. The author argues that greyhound racing in the state of Massachusetts should be abolished on the grounds that the abuse the dogs suffer is analogous to that perpetrated in outlawed animal fighting sports and that industry practices violate the basic Massachusetts anti-cruelty statute and common law.

No Shelter from the Storm: How the Execution of Pets by Law Enforcement at Beauregard Middle School in St. Bernard Parish in the Aftermath of Katrina Violated the Constitutional Rights of Pet Owners Kelly A. Jenkins Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper explores the Fourth Amendment rights of a dog owner when law enforcement executes his/her canine companion. This paper is framed around the experiences of St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana residents who evacuated to Beauregard Middle School during Hurricane Katrina.

2014 State Legislative Review Aaron C. Johnson 21 Animal L. 383 (2015) This article provides a review of significant state animal-related legislation from 2014.
Animal Rights Cause Gains Credibility Al Johnson 1 Animal L. 11 (1995) The author compares John Stuart Mill's social movement theory to the animal rights movement.
Overview of Wildlife Rehabilitation Laws Angela Nicole Johnson Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article presents an overview of the laws affecting wildlife rehabilitators. The statutes and regulations of nine states (Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, New York, Maine, North Dakota, Oregon, and Texas) are compared as to requirements for licensing. Legal issues that arise in the practice of rehabilitation are also discussed.

Detailed Discussion of Wildlife Rehabilitation Laws Angela Nicole Johnson Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper introduces the role of a wildlife rehabilitator, including the goals of rehabilitation. Section III discusses the permit and licensing requirements of wildlife rehabilitators, including demonstrating competency, preparedness, continuing education requirements, and permit renewals; Section IV addresses facility adequacy and standards of care. Section V discusses the types of wildlife which may be rehabilitated and procedures for non-rehabitable or non-releasable wildlife. Section VI addresses other compliance considerations which are unique to some of the nine states studied. Section VII discusses the non-permit related legal issues that affect wildlife rehabilitators.

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY RANCHING? AN INTERVIEW ON THE HIGH DESERT Lisa Johnson 6 Animal L. 77 (2000) The following is an interview with Doc Hatfield about his views on raising cattle and his association with Oregon Country Beef, a cooperative organization that his wife, Connie, helped start in 1986. Doc was on his cell phone while we talked, as he and Connie were on their way to Portland from their High Desert Ranch in Brothers, Oregon to give a talk to an agricultural group. Connie was driving while Doc and I spoke. They have a rule against driving and talking on the phone at the same time. I agreed that was probably a good policy.
