United States
Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 4805
Title | Summary |
NV - Disaster - Chapter 414. Emergency Management. General Provisions. | In Nevada, an emergency management plan must address the needs of persons with pets or service animals during and after an emergency or disaster. |
NV - Disaster Planning - State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) | According to the Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security, "The objective of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) is to reduce the possible consequences of an emergency by preventing loss of life and injuries; reducing damage to infrastructure, buildings, and homes; thus accelerating the resumption of normal daily life activities; and to the maximum extent possible, protect the environment." The plan contains several references to both service animals and household pets, which are excerpted below. |
NV - Dog - Consolidated Dog Laws | These statutes comprise Nevada's dog laws. Among the provisions include a link to proper care requirements for companion animals, animal control ordinance provisions, and the dangerous dog law among others. |
NV - Dog Ordinance - 244.359. Ordinance concerning control of animals | This Nevada statute provides that each board of county commissioners may enact and enforce an ordinance related to dogs including licensing, regulating or prohibiting the running at large and disposal of all kinds of animals, establishing a pound, designating an animal as inherently dangerous and requiring the owner of such an animal to obtain a policy of liability insurance, among other things. |
NV - Domestic Violence - Chapter 33. Injunctions. Orders for Protection Against Domestic Violence. | In Nevada, a knowing, purposeful or reckless course of conduct intended to harass the other such as injuring or killing an animal, is included in their definition of Domestic Violence. A victim can then get a Protection Order and enjoin the adverse party from physically injuring, threatening to injure or taking possession of any animal that is owned or kept by the applicant or minor child, either directly or through an agent. |
NV - Eagle - Chapter 503. Hunting, Fishing and Trapping; | Nevada has a law that specifically protects both bald (American) and golden eagles. The statute makes it illegal to possess or capture by whatever means either species. The law does allow for the taking of an eagle pursuant to permit only if the eagle has seriously injured agricultural or other interests, provided it is consistent with federal law and no other alternative is appropriate. |
NV - Eggs - Chapter 583. Eggs. Cage-Free Eggs | This collection of laws are Nevada's cage-free egg provisions. Under these laws, Nevada egg producers must adopt cage-free housing systems for egg-laying hens. These housing systems must allow the hens a certain amount of usable space and the ability to do certain natural behaviors. Producers that do not comply with these provisions are subject to a civil penalty. |
NV - Endangered Species - Protection and Propagation of Native Fauna (Chapter 503) | These statutes provide that the Legislature of Nevada has an interest in protecting native species from extinction and sets forth the authority to establish programs to protect designated species. However, if a native species is found to be destructive under the statute, the statute provides for removal if appropriate. Under statute, the ultimate responsibility for management rests with the governor for reviewing state programs and entering into interstate and federal agreements. |
NV - Equine Activity - Limitations on liability; duties of a participant in an equine activity; exceptions; definitions | This Nevada statute limits the liability of equine sponsors and professionals, veterinarians, or any other person, for an injury to or death of a participant as a result of an inherent risk of equine activity. The statute also provides the duties that equine activity participants must complete. Finally, the statute provides the exceptions for when a person is not immune from civil liability under the statute and the definition of terms used within the statute. |
NV - Exotic Animals - Possession, Transportation, Importation, Exportation and Release of Wildlife | These Nevada regulations concern the restrictions on importation, transportation and possession of certain species. Under 503.110, the importation, transportation or possession of the species of live wildlife or hybrids thereof including, but not limited to, freshwater sharks, piranhas, alligators and caimans, mongooses and meerkats, coyotes, and wild dogs is prohibited. Exemptions include zoos, aquariums, limited duration entertainment or commercial photography, research or scientific use, and a tax-exempt nonprofit organization that exhibits wildlife solely for educational or scientific purposes. Some animals may be possessed, transported, imported and exported without a permit or license issued by the Department such as monkeys and other primates, elephants, all felines, except mountain lions and bobcats, and wolves, among others. |