United States

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Titlesort descending Summary
Rhoades v. City of Battle Ground

In this case, exotic animal owners appeal a summary judgment order dismissing their various constitutional challenges to a City of Battle Ground ordinance that prohibits ownership of such animals within city limits.  Specifically, the owners contended that the ordinance violated their right to equal protection under the constitution because it treats those who keep exotic pets within the City differently from those who keep dangerous dogs.  The court held that it was within the city's police power authority to enact these laws if they were supported by a rational relationship.  In fact, the court found that the local legislative body may draw a different conclusion from the Washington Supreme Court in areas of public safety and the exercise of the local government's police powers provided it does not conflict with the general laws of the state.  (


:  publication of case ordered Feb. 7, 2003 in 115 Wash.App. 752,

63 P.3d 142


Rhoades v. City of Battle Ground

Exotic pet owners challenged on equal protection grounds an ordinance that banned exotic pets, yet allowed dangerous dogs under certain conditions. The court, in upholding the ordinance, found a rational relationship between the regulation and the public interest in preventing exotic pet attacks.

Rhode Island Public Laws 1857-1872: Chapter 912: An act for the prevention of cruelty to animals. A collection of the laws concerning cruelty to animals from Rhode Island for the years 1857-1872. The act covers such topics as bird fighting, cruelty to animals, enforcement of the act, and procedural issues concerning the act.
RI - Assistance Animals - Consolidated Assistance Animal Laws The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance/service animal laws.
RI - Breeders - Part 4. Rules and Regulations Governing Animal Care Facilities These rules and regulations are established to provide minimum standards to govern all licensed or registered animal care facilities in Rhode Island. They serve as standards for the construction and maintenance of such facilities, the care of animals in those facilities, as well as the criteria for inspectors to use when conducting inspections for licensure or in response to a complaint concerning their operation. They are considered minimum standards that must be maintained.
RI - Cats - Chapter 22. Cat Identification Program and Chapter 24. Permit Program for Cats These Rhode Island section is entitled the "Cat Identification Program." Under this law, cats are required to display some form of identification (tag, tattoo, etc.) in an effort to reduce the feral/stray cat problem. The law reduces the retention period for cats impounded without some form of identification.
RI - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Laws (Chapter 1. Cruelty to Animals) These Rhode Island statutes comprise the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. The cruelty law provides that whoever overdrives, overloads, overworks, tortures, torments, deprives of necessary sustenance, or cruelly beats, mutilates or kills any animal is subject to imprisonment up to 11 months, or a fine of $50.00 - $500, or both. The intentional cruelty provision expands the penalty to 2 years possible imprisonment or a fine of $1,000, or both.
RI - Dangerous Dog - § 4-13.1-9. Penalties for violation--Licensing ordinances and fees This Rhode Island statute provides that a vicious dog may be confiscated by a dog officer and destroyed in an expeditious and humane manner after the expiration of a five day waiting period if an owner does not secure liability insurance, have his or her dog properly identified, or properly enclose/restrain the dog. If any dog declared vicious under Sec. 4-13.1-11, when unprovoked, kills, wounds, or worries or assists in killing or wounding any described animal, the owner shall pay a five hundred fifty dollar fine. The dog officer is empowered to confiscate the dog. The statute further provides that municipalities may enact vicious dog licensing ordinances and provide for impoundment of dogs that violate such ordinances. It also outlines other actions owners of vicious dogs must take, including the posting of vicious dog signs and the maintenance of proper insurance.
RI - Disaster Planning - Emergency Support Function 11 The State of Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency is tasked with the coordination of emergency response and plans. Emergency Support Function 11, "Provides situational awareness and coordinates support for; the protection of the state’s agricultural and natural resources during emergencies; the emergency sheltering of pet animals; animal health issues; provide technical expertise, of animal and agricultural emergency management; ensure the safety and of the state’s meat, poultry, and dairy production facilities within the state."
RI - Divorce - § 15-5-30. Custody of domestic companion animals--Pets In 2024, Rhode Island revised its divorce and separation chapter to include a provision for disposition of a companion animal during divorce. This new law allows a court to consider the "best interest" of the animal and provides factors to determine sole possession of the animal. These factors include, but are not limited to, who first owned the animal, who assumes most responsibility for care of the animal, which living arrangements are in the best interests of the animal, and whether children are involved in the care of the animal. In addition, the statute uniquely has provisions for awarding joint possession of the companion animal.
