United States
Displaying 571 - 580 of 4805
Title | Summary |
CA - Hunting - Chapter 5. Management of Deer | In an effort to to encourage the conservation, restoration, maintenance, and utilization of California's wild deer populations, these sections mandate the creation of plans for deer herd management units. Such units may encompass a single deer herd or a group of deer herds having similar management and habitat requirements and characteristics. The objectives of such management plans are the restoration and maintenance of healthy deer herds in the wild state and to provide for high quality and diversified use of deer in California. |
CA - Hunting - Article 1. Methods of Taking (including trapping methods) | These sections pertain to hunting in California. A hunting license is required, and certain hunting methods are prohibited, such as night hunting, hunting while intoxicated, shooting at an animal from a vehicle, Internet hunting, the use of body-gripping or metal-jawed traps, the use of certain poisons and lead bullets, and the use of bird or mammal calls. |
CA - Hunting - Article 2.5. Hunter's Safety. | The Legislature of California in these sections finds and declares that individuals who engage in hunting should possess an adequate understanding of hunter safety practices, principles of conservation, and sportsmanship. In order to achieve these goals, hunters must procure a license and complete a course in hunter safety. |
CA - Hunting - Chapter 3. Nongame Mammals and Depredators | These sections regulate the taking and killing of nongame mammals and depredatory animals. Nongame and fur-bearing mammals that are injuring crops or other property may be taken at any time or in any manner in accordance with this code. In some cases, a permit is required. It is unlawful to use snares, hooks, or barbed wire to remove from the den, or fire to kill in the den, any immature predatory mammal. Predators that are relocated by the department must be tagged. |
CA - Hunting - Chapter 4. Deer. | These sections regulate the selling of deer meat and other parts of the deer, namely the skin, hide and head. Once a deer has been legally taken, the code allows the skin or hide to be sold, purchased, tanned, or manufactured into articles for sale. There is also a provision which prohibits the capturing or destroying of any deer and detaching or removing from the carcass only the head, hide, antlers, or horn. This same section also forbids any person from leaving through carelessness or neglect any game mammal or game bird which is in his possession, or any portion of the flesh thereof usually eaten by humans, to go needlessly to waste. |
CA - Hunting - Chapter 4. Deer. Article 2. License Tags | These provisions relate to the license requirements for deer hunting for both residents and nonresidents of California. For example, the holder of a deer tag license shall carry the tag while hunting deer, and upon the killing of any deer, shall immediately fill out the tag and permanently mark the date of the kill. The deer tag shall be immediately attached to the antlers of antlered deer or to the ear of any other deer and kept attached during the open season and for 15 days thereafter. |
CA - Hunting - Chapter 4. Deer. Article 3. Archery Deer Hunting. | These two sections govern archery deer hunting in California. Archery hunting is done with a bow and arrow and hunters which participate in this type of hunting are restricted from carrying a firearm. |
CA - Hunting - § 2124. Possession, purchase, sale or transfer of wild animals | Under this California law, it is unlawful for any person to possess, transport, import, export, propagate, purchase, sell, or transfer any live mammal for the purposes of maiming, injuring, or killing the mammal for gain, amusement, or sport. |
CA - Hunting - § 3511. Fully protected birds; permits or licenses; necessary scientific research; legal imports; | California law specifically states that no other statutes are to be construed to allow the taking of state protected birds, of which the golden eagle and bald eagle are listed, and any licenses issued to take protected birds are void unless issued for scientific or depredation purposes. |
CA - Hunting - § 3513. Migratory nongame birds; protection | California law reiterates that it is illegal to take or possess any bird or its parts that is listed under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, of which the eagle is listed. |