Local Ordinances
Ordinance name![]() |
Citation | Summary |
AK - Unalaska - Title 12: Animal Control (Chapter: 12.04: Animal Control) | Unalaska Code of Ordinances §§ 12.04.020, 12.04.150, 12.04.160 | Under this Unalaska, Alaska ordinance, a person who owns a seeing-eye dog, a hearing aid dog, or other aid dog is exempt from the license fees. Furthermore, this ordinance exempts such dogs from provisions that prohibit animals from entering certain places as long as the owner carries proper documentation certified by a recognized aid dog institution. |
AL - Irondale - Breed - Sec. 3-90 - Pit Bulls | IRONDALE, AL., CODE OF ORDINANCES, § 3-90, 3-91 |
In Irondale, Alabama, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own or possess any pit bull dog. However, pit bull dogs registered on the date of publication may be kept within the city subject to certain requirements. These requirements include proper confinement, the use of a leash and muzzle, the posting of “Beware of Dog” signs, the taking of identification photographs, and the maintenance of liability insurance ($50,000). Failure to comply may result in the seizure of the dog, a fine up to $500 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days. The city also bans Presa Canario dogs.
AL - Lanett - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance - Sec. 6-8 - Regulations regarding vicious dogs | LANETT, AL., CODE OF CITY ORDINANCES, § 6-8 (2005) |
In Lanett, Alabama, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own, or possess any pit bull or presa canario dog. Dogs that were within the city on the effective date may be kept within the city subject to certain requirements, such as keeping the dog properly confined, using a leash and muzzle, posting a “Beware of dog” sign, the maintenance of liability insurance of $100,000, and the taking of identification photographs. A violation of the chapter is a misdemeanor, and could result in a fine up to $500 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days under Section 6-13.
AL - Mobile - Chapter 7: Animal and Fowl (Article VI - Horse Drawn Carriages) | Mobile, Alabama, Code of Ordinances §§ 7-131 to 7-191. |
In Mobile, Alabama, animal-drawn passenger vehicles are restricted to horse drawn carriages. The following ordinances provide the restrictions and requirements placed upon the operations of these carriages within the city.
AR - Batesville - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance. Sec. 6.04.12 Vicious animals-quarantine required | BATESVILLE, AR., MUNICIPAL CODE, § 6.04.12 (2010) |
In Batesville, Arkansas, pit bull dogs are banned and may not be owned or kept within the City, with exceptions for dogs that were licensed prior to the effective date of the Ordinance. In this case, the owner must provide proof of sterilization, rabies vaccination, liability insurance of $100,000, and keep the dog properly confined and display a “Beware of Dog” sign. |
AR - Maumelle - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance § 10-133 | MAUMELLE, AR., CITY CODE §§ 10-133 - 10-134 |
In Maumelle, Arkansas, it is unlawful to own or keep a pit bull dog or an American Bulldog, with exceptions. For example, a banned breed may be brought into the city for the purpose of veterinary care, as long as the dog is secured and muzzled.
AR - North Little Rock - Breed - Sec. 10-46. Banning of pit bull breeds of dogs. | NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR., MUNICIPAL CODE § 10-46 |
In North Little Rock, Arkansas, pit bull dogs are banned, with exceptions for registered AKC show dogs and dogs that are grandfathered in, as long as the owner is 21 years old, has the dog sterilized and vaccinated for rabies, keeps it properly confined, uses a leash, and displays a "Beware of Dog" sign. Failure to comply will result in the seizure of the dog.
AR - Pine Bluff - Breed - Sec. 5-43. - Dangerous dog declaration/pit bull dogs restricted. | PINE BLUFF, AR., CODE OF ORDINANCES §§ 5-26, 5-27, 5-41 - 5-43 |
In Pine Bluffs, Arkansas, it is unlawful to keep any pit bull dog except as provided in section 54-3, with exceptions for pit bulls owned by local, state or federal agencies, used by law enforcement, or as a service animal by a handicapped or disabled person. Pit bulls must be registered, be vaccinated for rabies, be sterilized, and the owner must be at least 21 years old and keep liability insurance of $100,000. The dog must be properly confined with warning signs, and a leash and muzzle must be used.
AR - Sherwood - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance No. 1776 | SHERWOOD, AR., CITY ORDINANCE No. 1776 (2008) |
In Sherwood, Arkansas, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own or possess any pit bull dog, with the exception for those who are registered and reside in an area that is annexed into corporate city limits. However, if a pit bull is aggressive towards people or other dogs, the dog is not exempt from the ban. Registration requirements include: annual vaccinations, license, microchips, photo ID, insurance, proper confinement, 'Beware of Dog' signs, and mandatory disclosures. Any dog found to be the subject of a violation shall be subject to immediate seizure and impoundment or may be euthanized. The owner may be fined up to $1,000 and imprisoned for up to 30 days.
AZ - Phoenix - Chapter 8 - ANIMALS. | Chapter 8 |
The following comprises Phoenix, Arizona's animal-related ordinances. Topics include the keeping of reptiles or wild animals, vicious animal provisions, and sections addressing animal cruelty. An entire article (Article IV) deals with the confinement of animals in motor vehicles. |
AZ - Tucson - Chapter 4: Animals and Fowl (Article 1: In General § 4-3) | Tucson Code § 4-3 |
This Tucson ordinance makes it a misdemeanor to commit a crime of cruelty or neglect on an animal. Anyone found guilty of committing a crime of neglect of cruelty faces fines between $100 to $2,500, up to 6 months in jail or 3 years on probation, restitution for the victim, and may not be able to own or control an animal for up to 3 years. |
Bolivia - Animal control - Ley Municipal Autonomica No. 239 para Animales de Compañía | Ley Municipal Autonomica No. 239 | This municipal law seeks to promote companion animal welfare and public health in La Paz, Bolivia. It is modified by "Ley municipal 316, 2018." This ordinance establishes the duties for companion animal owners in La Paz. It creates the mandatory municipal registries of companion animals, and service and assistance animals; the registry of dangerous dogs for citizen safety; and the registry of societies for animal protection, veterinary hospitals, and companion animal stores. It regulates the sale of companion animals and establishes penalties for those who mutilate their companion animals for aesthetic purposes. |
CA - Los Angeles County - Title 10. Animals | Sections 10.04.010 to 10.90.010 |
Title 10 comprises the animal law ordinances for Los Angeles County, California. Chapter 10.08 contains definitions; Chapters 10.12 and 10.16 are the laws pertaining to the Department of Animal Care and Control and its volunteer program. Chapter 10.20 outlines licensing, vaccinations, spaying and neutering requirements for dogs and cats. Chapter 10.32 prohibits animals running at large, and 10.36 contains impoundment procedures. Chapter 10.37 deals with dangerous dogs. Chapter 10.52 contains the laws regarding stockyards and hog ranches. The importation of animals is covered in Chapter 10.56. Tuberculosis and quarantine laws are found in Chapters 10.60 and 10.64. Title 10 also covers sanitation (10.68), animal disease reports (10.72), apiaries (10.76), dogs in open vehicles (10.80), feeding of predators (10.84), interference with police dogs (10.86), and fees (10.90). |
CA - San Mateo - Title 6 - ANIMALS | Title 6 - ANIMALS, Sections 6.04.010 to 6.20.160 |
These are the ordinances in San Mateo, California that deal with animals. The laws regulate animal control, exotic animals, spaying, neutering, and breeding, kennels, catteries, and animal fanciers permits.
CA - Santa Cruz County - Santa Cruz County Code. Title 6. Animals. | Title 6. Sections 6.04 to 6.24.090 |
This comprises Santa Cruz County's animal-related ordinances. Santa Cruz County has a mandatory sterilization ordinance, which states that a dog or cat over the age of 6 months must be spayed or neutered unless such person holds an unaltered animal certification for the animal (excepting law enforcement dogs, service dogs, dogs or cats with health problems that prevent sterilization, herding dogs, or dogs or cats boarded in a business for training or resale). The code also has a section on feral cats, defined as felines that are wild by nature or no longer domesticated. It is unlawful for a person to intentionally provide food, water, or other forms of sustenance to a feral cat colony unless that person has registered with the county, and complies with the requirements (e.g., regularly trapping the cats for sterilization, testing trapped cats for feline leukemia, "ear tipping" for identification, rabies vaccination, and regularly feeding the colony even on holidays and weekends). Other provisions of note include a prohibition on "noisy animals" (one that habitually howls, yells, barks or makes other noise that unreasonably disturbs); a prohibition on the keeping of any "wild species" as defined by Section 2118 of the Cal. Fish & Game Code; and a leash/tether/grasp requirement when a dog is off its owner's premises. |
CA - West Hollywood - Chapter 9.48 Animal Control Regulations. | Chapter 9.48, 9.49, 9.50 |
This comprises the City of West Hollywood, California's animal control ordinances. The animal control ordinances of Los Angeles County have been adopted by reference, prohibiting animal nuisances as well as the keeping of dangerous animals. The code also defines and outlines procedures for feral cats. Uniquely, West Hollywood has a ban on onychectomy (“declawing") of domestic cats unless done as a medically necessary procedure, as well as a ban on the sale of fur (with some exceptions). Further, subject to some exemptions, the city prohibits the retail sale of cats and dogs. |
CO - Aurora - Chapter 14 - ANIMALS | Chapter 14. Sec. 14-1 to 14-161 | The following comprises Aurora, Colorado's animal-related ordinances. In addition to the standard ordinances dealing with number restrictions, at-large animals, barking dogs, and licensing, the city has two important provisions. First, the city makes it unlawful to own, possess or keep any dog, rabbit, or cat over the age of 6 months that has not been spayed or neutered (subject to some exceptions). Second, it is unlawful for any person to have, own, possess, keep, exercise control over, maintain, harbor, transport, or sell within the city any pit bull or restricted breed of dog. "Restricted breeds" include any American Bulldog (Old Country Bulldog), Dogo Argentino, Canary Dog (Canary Island Dog, Presa Canario, Perro De Presa Canario), Presa Mallorquin (Pero De Presa Mallorquin, Ca De Bou), Tosa Inu (Tosa Fighting Dog, Japanese Fighting Dog, Japanese Mastiff), Cane Corso (Cane Di Macellaio, Sicilian Branchiero), Fila Brasileiro or any dog displaying the majority of physical traits of any one or more of the above breeds. |
CO - Commerce City - Breed - Chapter 4 - ANIMAL CODE. ARTICLE I. - GENERAL PROVISIONS. | COMMERCE CITY, CO., REVISED MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 4-1000 - 4-1005 (2011) |
Commerce City defines a pit bull or pit bull terrier as any dog that is an American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, any dog displaying the majority of physical traits of any one (1) or more of the above breeds or any dog exhibiting those distinguishing characteristics that substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club (A.K.C.) or United Kennel Club (U.K.C.) for any of the above breeds. Commerce City has banned pit bulls with the exception of pit bulls who were in the city prior to November 2005. |
CO - Denver - Breed - Sec. 8-55. Pit bulls prohibited. | Sec. 8.55 |
This Denver, Colorado ordinance provides that it is unlawful for any person to own, possess, keep, exercise control over, maintain, harbor, transport, or sell within the city any pit bull. A pit bull is defined broadly as "any dog that is an American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or any dog displaying the majority of physical traits of any one (1) or more of the above breeds, or any dog exhibiting those distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or United Kennel Club for any of the above breeds." [emphasis added] A person who applied for and received a special pit bull license before August 7, 1989 (date of the publication of the ordinance) and who maintains the pit bull in compliance with the requirements of the ordinance may keep a pit bull. |
CO - Fort Lupton - Breed - Sec. 7-241 Pit bulls prohibited | FORT LUPTON, CO., MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 7-241 - 7-243 |
It is unlawful to own, keep, possess, maintain, harbor or transport any pit bull in or through Fort Lupton, Colorado, with certain exceptions for licensed vets and animal shelters. Dogs that have already been licensed may remain, as long as the owner is 21 years of age, shows proof of rabies vaccination and liability insurance of $100,000, keeps the dog properly confined, and posts “PIT BULL DOG" signs. Failure to comply with all of the terms shall subject the pit bull to immediate impoundment and disposal. |
CO - Louisville - § Sec. 6.12.160 Pit bulls prohibited. | Louisville, Colorado Municipal Code, Title 6, § 6.12.160 | This code prohibits ownership of pit bulls within the city and provides certain exceptions. |
CT - Oxford - Title IX: General Regulations (Chapter 92: Right to Farm) | Code of Oxford §§ 92.01 - 92.06 |
According to Oxford, Connecticut's Right to Farm ordinances, quoting Conn. Gen. Stat. § 19a-341, an agricultural or farming operation shall not be deemed a public or private nuisance due to odor emanating from livestock or manure, or due to water pollution caused by livestock. Under these ordinances, a landowner or agent who fails to disclose that a buyer or tenant is about to acquire or occupy property in a town where farming activities occur shall be fined $100. These ordinances also contain exceptions to the nuisance provision, as well as provide a resolution process for any person who seeks to complain about a farm’s operations.
DC - Veterinary Issues - Title 3: District of Columbia Boards and Commissions (Chapter 5: Board of Veterinarian Examiners) | D.C. Code §§ 3-501 to 3-517 |
The purpose of these District of Columbia ordinances are to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine in the district, to protect the public from the practice of veterinary medicine by unqualified persons, and to protect the public from unprofessional conduct by persons licensed to practice veterinary medicine. To accomplish this purpose, these ordinances require a veterinarian to obtain a license to practice veterinary science from the mayor of the district, as well as obtain a license to operate an animal facility; these ordinances also allow the mayor the discretion to require certification for veterinarian technicians. Additionally, these ordinances also provide penalties for those who practice without a license, license denial and revocations provisions, hearing and appeal procedures, the establishment of a board of veterinary examiners, and permitted practices without a license. |
DE - Newark - Chapter 5: Animals (Article II: Horses) | The Code of the City of Newark, 1970 §§ 6.12.010 - 6.12.100 5-19 to 5-21 |
In Newark, Delaware, a person is prohibited from riding, driving, or leading a horse on the city's sidewalks, but may ride a horse on a city street's bicycle path. Additionally, a person is prohibited from riding, driving, or leading a horse in a reckless, disorderly, or careless manner through or over any of the streets or private property in the city. Penalties for violating these provisions are provided. |
FL - Miami-Dade County - Chapter 5 - ANIMALS AND FOWL. | Sec. 5-1 - 5-25 |
This comprises Miami-Dade County, Florida's animal-related ordinances. Among the ordinances of note include a voluntary registration program for cats, minimum standards of care for kennels and pet dealers, and requirements for the humane trapping of dogs and cats. Most importantly, the county has a controversial breed specific ban on pit bull dogs that has been in place since 1990. Veterinary offices, kennels, commercial breeders, commercial animal establishments, pet shops, and dog grooming businesses are required to post conspicuous signs that inform residents of the ban. |
FL - Palm Beach County - Chapter 4: Animals (§ 4-24: Animal Care) | Code of Laws and Ordinances Relating to Palm Beach County Government § 4-24 |
This Palm Beach County, Florida ordinance prohibits the act of humane slaughter, as defined by §§ F.S.A. 828.22 and/or 828.23, within earshot or view of the public. A violation of this provision constitutes a civil infraction and is punishable by a fine not to exceed $500. |
GA - Alto - Hoarding - Article 1: Animal Control ( §§ 6-2, 6-16, 6-40, 6-41) | Alto, Georgia Code of Ordinances §§ 6-2, 6-16, 6-40, 6-41 |
This Alto, Georgia hoarding ordinance makes it a crime to collect animals while failing to provide them with humane/adequate care; to collect dead animals that are not properly disposed of; and to collect, house, or harbor animals in filthy, unsanitary conditions that constitute a health hazard to the animals being kept, and/or to the animals or residents of adjacent property. A person found guilty of hoarding animals may not own, possess, or have on his or her premises in Alto any animal for one year from the date of conviction. Additionally, a person may also face fines not to exceed $1,000 or may also face imprisonment not to exceed 6 months or both.
GA - Avondale Estates - Chapter 1: General Provisions & Chapter 4: Animals and Fowl | Code of Ordinances, City of Avondale Estates, Georgia §§ 1-8,4-1, 4-5, 4-6, 4-14, 4-15 |
In Avondale Estates, Georgia, animal fighting is not only prohibited by ordinance, but an animal trained for fighting is also considered a public nuisance, and an abused and dangerous animal. This ordinance provides provisions for each of the respective categories, as well as penalties for the violations. Notably, the city will not respond to a citizen's compliant about a violation of this chapter if the citizen chooses to remain anonymous. |
GA - Banks County - Chapter 14 (Article 3: Domestic Animals) & Appendix A: Zoning | The Code of Banks County, Georgia §§ 14-33, 14-34, 301, 501-503, 601-603, 701(A)-703(A), 701(B)-703(B) |
In Banks County, Georgia, the number of dogs a person may own depends on the zone in which the person's property is located. The following ordinances indicate the zones and the numbers, as well as provide additional restrictions on dogs located within certain zones.
HI - Honolulu - Chapter 7: Animals and Fowl (Article 1: Cockfighting and Related Equipment) | Revised Ordinances of Honolulu §§ 7-1.1 - 7-1.3 |
This Honolulu ordinance prohibits any person from engaging or participating in a cockfighting exhibition. This ordinance also prohibits gaffs or slashers or any other sharp instrument from being attached to or in place of the natural spur on a gamecock or other fighting fowl. Any person violating any provision of this article shall be punished by a fine of not less than $250 and not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both. |
HI - Maui County - Title 22: Agricultural Parks (Chapter 22.04A: Kula Agricultural Park) | Maui County Code §§ 22.04A.010 - 22.04A.130 |
The purpose of these Maui County, Hawaii ordinances is to promote the development of diversified agriculture by providing appropriately-sized agricultural lots at reasonable rent and long-term tenure in the Kula Agricultural Park. In order to carry out this purpose, the ordinances contain provisions on how a bona fide farmer, a new farmer, or a displaced farmer may obtain such a lot. |
IA - Council Bluffs - Breed - Chapter 4.20 - ANIMAL CONTROL (Pit Bull Ordinance) | COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA., MUNICIPAL CODE § 4.20.112 |
In Council Bluffs, Iowa, it is unlawful to own, possess, keep, exercise control over, maintain, harbor, transport, or sell any pit bull. There are exceptions for dogs already licensed if the owner meets certain requirements, such as being at least 18 years old, maintaining liability insurance of at least $100,000, the dog is sterilized and microchipped, the dog is confined and there is a "PIT BULL DOG" sign. Failure by the owner to comply shall subject the pit bull to immediate impoundment and disposal.
IA - Ottumwa - Breed - ARTICLE IV. - DANGEROUS ANIMALS (Pit Bull Ordinance) | OTTUMWA, IA., CODE OF ORDINANCES §§ 7-61 - 7-66 (2011) |
In Ottumwa, Iowa, no person shall keep, shelter, or harbor pit bull terriers, with exceptions, because they are deemed to be dangerous. A violation is a simple misdemeanor resulting in a minimum fine of $100. The prohibition does not apply to dogs participating in a dog show (if properly restrained) or being treated at a veterinary hospital.
IA - Sioux City - Breed - Chapter 7.10 PIT BULLS PROHIBITED | SIOUX CITY, IA., MUNICIPAL CODE, §§ 7.10.010 - 7.10.050 (2009) |
The City of Sioux City, Iowa makes it unlawful to own, transport, or sell any pit bull, with exceptions. Pit bulls currently and continuously registered, licensed, properly confined and cared for are exempt from the ban, but a failure to maintain its status immediately removes its exemption. The poundmaster is authorized to immediately impound any pit bull that does not fall within one of the exceptions and is mandated to destroy the pit bull within ten calendar days. |
ID - Fruitland - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance | FRUITLAND, ID., CITY CODE § 9-2A-12 (2006) |
In Fruitland, Idaho, it is unlawful for any person to own, possess, keep, exercise control over, maintain, harbor, transport, buy or sell a pit bull within, with exceptions for police, humane societies, and dogs registered prior to the date of enactment. Owners of such dogs must provide proof of rabies vaccination, sterilization, keep $1 million liability insurance, have a a microchip ID chip implanted in the dog, and pay an annual pit bull license fee. The dog must also be kept confined with a “Pit Bull Dog” sign posted on the premises. Dogs whose owners are not in compliance are subject to impoundment and destruction. Additionally, pit bills exempt from the ban are subsumed to be dangerous dogs. |
ID - Idaho Falls - Title 1: General Provisions & Title 5: Criminal Code (Chapter 9: Animals) | City Code of the City of Idaho Falls §§ 1-3-5, 5-1-3, 5-9-3 to 5-9-4 |
In Idaho Falls, Idaho, any person who causes an animal to fight for amusement, or for gain, or to worry or injure each other; and any person who permits the same to be done on any premises under his charge or control; and any person who aids, abets or is present as a spectator is guilty of a misdemeanor. Additionally, any person who owns, possesses, keeps or trains any bird or animal, with the intent that such bird or animal engage in an exhibition of fighting, or any person who is present at any place, building or tenement, where preparations are being made for an exhibition of fighting of birds or animals, with the intent to be present at such exhibition, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person violating these provisions may be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both. |
ID - Payette County - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance | PAYETTE COUNTY, ID., COUNTY CODE § 5-5-11 (2007) |
It is unlawful for any person to own, possess, keep, exercise control over, maintain, harbor, transport, buy or sell a pit bull within Payette County, Idaho, with exceptions for police, humane societies, and dogs registered prior to the date of enactment. Owners of such dogs must provide proof of rabies vaccination, sterilization, keep $1 million liability insurance, have a a microchip ID chip implanted in the dog, and pay an annual pit bull license fee. The dog must also be kept confined with a “Pit Bull Dog” sign posted on the premises. Dogs whose owners are not in compliance are subject to impoundment and destruction. Additionally, a pit bull exempt from the ban is subsumed to be a dangerous dog. |
IL - Naperville - Title 6: Zoning Regulations (Chapter 2: General Zoning Provisions) | Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances § 6-2-5 |
This Naperville, Illinois ordinance provides the standards to determine whether a business is a veterinary office or a pet care establishment. For a veterinary office, pets are only allowed outside between the hours of 7 AM to 10PM if they are on a leash and handled by a single employee; excrement must be picked up daily and noise levels generated by the animals cannot exceed the city’s noise performance standards. For a pet care establishment, pets are allowed to be outside without a lease or direct employee supervision, but the outside area must be fenced and cleared of excrement daily; pet care establishments are also permitted to provide emergency medical treatment or nonprofessional care associated with an existing medical problem. The zoning provisions associated with either establishment are also included. |
IN - Beech Grove - Title IX: General Regulations (Chapter 90: Animals) | Beech Grove Code of 1984 §§ 90.04D, 90.25 - 90.30. 90.99 |
In Beech Grove, Indiana, a dog's ears may only be cropped by a licensed veterinarian and only if a licensed veterinarian signs a certificate stating that the operation is necessary for the dog's health or comfort. Any person convicted of violating this provision shall have his or her permit to own a dog revoked and shall not be issued a new permit for a period of 1 year. This person shall also be fined anywhere between $10 and $200 |
IN - Fowler - Breed - Sec. 4-7. - Certain vicious breeds prohibited. | FOWLER, IN., CODE OF ORDINANCES § 4.7 |
No person shall own, keep or harbor a Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, or Chow dog or any other breed of animal that meets the definition of a vicious or ferocious animal as described in section 4-1 in Fowler, Indiana. |
KS - Arkansas City - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance | ARKANSAS CITY, KS., MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 6.08.061 - 6.08.062 (1992) |
In Arkansas City, Kansas, it is unlawful to possess an American Staffordshire Terrier, a/k/a American Pit Bull Terrier or Pit Bull, or a Presa Canario, a/k/a Canary Dog. Under these ordinances, pit bulls are deemed to be vicious and may be euthanized by court order or by failure of an owner or harborer to pay impoundment fees. Additionally, a person may be fined up to $500.00 and/or may be jailed for up to 6 months for violating these ordinances. |
KS - Dodge City - Breed - §§ 2-401 - 2-410 PIT BULL DOGS | DODGE CITY, KS., CITY CODE §§ 2-401 - 2-410 (2004) |
In Dodge City, Kansas, it is illegal to own, keep, harbor, or possess a pit bull dog, with an exception for dogs registered with the city of Dodge City, whose owners obtain a permit and comply with certain standards. Such requirements include keeping the dog confined, and if outside of a pen, the use of a leash and a special collar, microchipping, "Beware of Dog" signs, and $100,000 liability insurance, and identification photographs. Violations may result in the seizure, impoundment, and/or removal of a dog from the city. A violation may incur a fine of $2,500 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
KS - El Dorado - Breed - Chapter 6.20 WILD AND DANGEROUS ANIMALS (Pit Bull Ordinance) | EL DORADO, KS., CODE OF ORDINANCES §§ 6.04.010 - 6.04.050 (2009) |
In El Dorado, Kansas, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own or possess any pit bull dog, with an exception for dogs registered by March 1, 1988. Such dogs may remain within the city subject to the requirements, such as keeping it on a leash or confined and the use of “Beware of Dog” signs. A violation may result in a fine of up to $1,000, imprisonment up to 30 days, and/or an order to pay all costs for the dog’s care. The dog may also be ordered removed from the city or impounded.
KS - Hesston - Breed - 2-125 PROHIBITION ON OWNERSHIP, KEEPING, OF CERTAIN DOG BREEDS. | HESSTON, KS., CITY CODE § 2-125, 2-126 (2007) |
In Hesston, Kansas, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own, or possess a Staffordshire bull terrier, an American pit bull terrier, or a Rottweiler. Dogs that were registered with the city on the date of publication of this ordinance may be kept within the city limits subject to certain requirements, such as using a leash and muzzle outside, confining the dog in certain ways, posting “Beware of Dog” signs, maintaining liability insurance of $50,000, and taking identification photographs. A violation may result in a fine of up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days.
KS - Leawood - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance §§ 2-101, 2-109 - 2-110 | LEAWOOD, KS., CITY CODE §§ 2-101, 2-109 - 2-110 (2000) |
In Leawood, Kansas, it is unlawful to own, keep or harbor any dangerous animal (including pit bulls), with exceptions made for holders of a special permit. Entities such as zoos, circuses, veterinary hospitals, etc, may obtain a permit for display or exhibition purposes, but no person may keep any dangerous animal as a pet. Any dangerous animal not in compliance may be seized and impounded, or even killed. The owner will be responsible for any expenses incurred, in addition to any fine that might be imposed for violating the ordinance. |
KS - Maize - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance | MAIZE, KS., CITY CODE, §§ 2-401 - 2-420 (2003) |
In Maize, Kansas, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own or possess any pit bull dog unless the dog was registered on the date of publication of this article. A registered dog is subject to requirements, such as the uses of a leash and muzzle if not confined and “Beware of Dog” signs. Dogs that are a subject of a violation may be seized, impounded, and even killed, if necessary. A violation may result in a $200 to $500 fine and/or imprisonment for up to 30 days, as well as removal of the dog from the city. |
KS - Overland Park - Breed - Pit Bull Ordinance §§ 6.10.010 - 6.10.190 | OVERLAND PARK, KS., MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 6.10.010 - 6.10.190 (2006) |
In Overland Park, Kansas, no person shall own, keep, or harbor any pit bull dog or wolf-hybrid (Tundra Shepherd), with exceptions, such as for education, study, veterinary care, display or sale. Dogs registered prior to the effective date of this Ordinance may be kept as long as the dog is properly confined, a leash and muzzle are used, a “Beware of Dog” sign is posted, liability insurance of $300,000 is kept, and identification photographs are taken. A violation may result in a fine of up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days.
KS - Pittsburgh - Breed - DIVISION 2. - PIT BULLS. | PITTSBURGH, KS., CITY CODE §§ 10-101 - 10-108 (2011) |
In Pittsburgh, Kansas, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, own or possess a pit bull dog, except that dogs located within the City on the effective date may be kept upon strict compliance with the requirements. These requirements include proper registration, the use of a leash and muzzle unless confined, "Beware of Dog" sign, liability insurance of $50,000, and identification photographs. Any dog found to be in violation shall be seized and impounded. A violation may result in the removal of the dog, including payments for the dog’s care.
KS - Prairie Village - Breed - 2-105 PIT BULL DOG KEEPING PROHIBITED | PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS., CITY CODE § 2-105 | In Prairie Village, Kansas, it is unlawful to own, harbor, shelter, keep, control, manage, or possess within the corporate limits of the City, any pit bull dog. This includes the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed of dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier breed of dog, the American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dog, or any dog having the appearance and characteristics of being predominately of the breeds of Staffordshire pit bull terrier, American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire bull terrier; or a combination of any of these breeds. |
KS - Roeland Park - Breed - 2-211 Pit Bulls | ROELAND PARK, KS., CITY ORDINANCE § 2-211 | On January 1, 2018, the prohibition on the keeping of more than one pit bull on any property in the City of Roeland Park, Kansas officially expired. Before this 2015 ordinance that made the possession of more than one pit bull unlawful, the city had a complete pit bull ban that prohibited the keeping, harboring, or owning a pit bull dog, including Staffordshire bull terrier, American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, or any dog that has the appearance and characteristics of being one of those breeds. Now, unless the city enacts another ordinance related to pit bulls, the ban has ended. |