Full Statute Name:  Ley 21664, 2024

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Popular Title:  Ley 21664, 2024 Primary Citation:  Ley 21664, 2024 Country of Origin:  Chile Last Checked:  May, 2024 Date Adopted:  2024 Historical: 
Summary: This law amends the Chilean Health Code to define the term meat and prohibits using that designation for products that are not of animal origin.
Documents:  PDF icon Ley-21664_17-MAY-2024-definition of meat.pdf (71.82 KB)

See summary in Spanish.

This law incorporates Paragraph III, into Title II of Book Four of the Chilean Health Code. The relevant excerpts of the modification are as follows: 

Article 105 undecies: Meat is defined as "the edible part of the muscles of food animals such as bovines, ovines, porcines, and other species suitable for human consumption. The meat of game animals must comply with Food Sanitary Regulation and the technical standards established for them.

Article 105 duodecies: "Meat includes all the soft tissues surrounding the skeleton, excluding the supporting muscles of the hyoid apparatus and the esophagus. Additionally, it defines edible byproducts as parts and organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, excluding the lungs and others mentioned in Article 274 of the Food Sanitary Regulation."

Article 105 terdecies: This article prohibits labeling as meat any product that is not of animal origin or does not comply with the preceding articles. "The terms associated with animal products, such as "hamburger," "chorizo," "sausage," "cured meat," and others, cannot be used to describe, promote, or market food products that contain a higher proportion of plant-based material than meat, unless they explicitly, visibly, and unequivocally indicate that they are of plant origin."


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