Cattle: Related Statutes

Statute by categorysort descending Citation Summary
AK - Bite - § 03.55.030. Dogs that annoy or bite animals or birds AS § 03.55.030 This Alaska statute provides that any dog that habitually annoys any wild deer, reindeer, sheep, cattle, horse, or other animal or bird either domestic or wild, or evinces a disposition which makes it likely that it will without provocation bite an animal or fowl, may be lawfully killed by any person when it is found at large. The owner or keeper of the dog, if known or reasonably identifiable, shall be notified and given reasonable opportunity to restrain the dog before it is lawful to kill it.
AL - Stock Laws - Article 2. Taking Up and Disposition of Animals Running at Large on State and Federal Aid Highways. Ala. Code 1975 § 3-2-1 - § 3-5-14 This set of Alabama laws concerns estrays (livestock running at large), the taking up of animals running on the highway, fencing requirements, and stock laws.
AR - Damages, stock - § 23-12-909. Killed or injured animals--Rights of owner A.C.A. § 23-12-909 This law states that any person who has a special ownership in any horses, mules, cattle, or other stock killed or wounded by any railroad trains running in this state may sue the company running the trains for the damages within 12 months of the injury.
AZ - Humane Slaughter - Slaughter of Animals A. R. S. § 3-2001 to 2017 This Arizona statutory section covers the slaughter of animals. Among its provisions include license requirements for the slaughter meat, recordkeeping requirements, and a section relating to humane slaughter. The humane slaughter law requires that a livestock animal is rendered insensible to pain prior to being hoisted or shackled; however, none of the provisions apply to one who slaughters an animal for his or her own uses. Interestingly, while the other provisions relating to adulterated meat and licensing requirements describe the penalty for violation, no penalty is listed under the humane slaughter statute.
AZ - Initiatives - Proposition 204 (inhumane confinement) 2006 Arizona Proposition 204 This comprises Proposition 204 also known as the Humane Treatment of Farm Animals Act. A "yes" vote shall have the effect of establishing misdemeanor fines and penalties for tethering or confining a pregnant pig or a calf raised for veal for all or a majority of the day in a manner that prevents the animal from lying down and fully extending its limbs or turning around freely but excepts transportation of the animal, rodeo and fair exhibitions, lawful slaughters, research, veterinary purposes and the seven day period before a pig's expected date of giving birth. The measure passed with 62% voting "yes."
CA - Bullfights - § 597m. Bullfights prohibited; exceptions; penalty West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597m This statute makes it unlawful for any person to promote, advertise, stage, hold, manage, conduct, participate in, engage in, or carry on any bullfight, but does not prohibit rodeos or bloodless bullfights, contests, or exhibitions held in connection with religious celebrations or religious festivals.
CA - Docking - § 597n. Docked horses; prohibition of docking; importation or use of unregistered animals West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597n This law was amended in 2009 to prohibit the docking or cutting of the solid part of any horse or cattle. Violation of the law constitutes a misdemeanor. The new law does provide an exclusion for the docking of any cattle's tail in an emergency for the purpose of saving the cattle's life or relieving the cattle's pain provided that the emergency treatment is performed consistent with the Veterinary Medicine Practice Act.
CA - Historical - General Laws of 1913: Title 14: Section 596-599f Cal. Penal Code §§ 597 - 599f (1913) The General Laws of California from 1913, title 14, covers Malicious Mischief which includes sections concerning: Cruelty to Animals, Poisoning of Cattle, killing of birds in cemeteries and killing of gulls or cranes. The Cruelty to Animal section describes laws concerning horses, abandoned animal, torture and maiming of animals, use of animals in fights, and arrest without warrants. In addition, the section covers evidence, stallions, and impounding without food and water. The section about the killing of birds in the cemetery concerns also killing and detaining of homing pigeons. The last section about killing of gulls and cranes also concerns the destruction of eggs and nests. In addition, the section covers killing of elk and prosecution for these offenses.
CA - Humane Slaughter - Chapter 6. Slaughter West's Ann. Cal. Food & Agric. Code § 19501 - 19503 This California section constitutes the humane slaughter provisions for cattle, calves, horses, mules, sheep, swine, goats, fallow deer, and poultry. The law provides that the animal shall be rendered insensible to pain by a captive bolt, gunshot, electrical or chemical means, or any other means that is rapid and effective before being cut, shackled, hoisted, thrown, or cast, with the exception of poultry which may be shackled. Note that despite the section covering poultry, it does not apply to the slaughter of spent hens and small game birds, as defined by the department by regulation.
CA - Initiatives - Proposition 2 (farm cruelty) 2008 Proposition 2 This 2008 California initiative measure would add to the Health & Safety Code with a law entitled, "The Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act." Specifically, the proposed law requires that calves raised for veal, egg-laying hens and pregnant pigs be confined only in ways that allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely. Exceptions are made for transportation, rodeos, fairs, 4-H programs, lawful slaughter, research and veterinary purposes. The law provides misdemeanor penalties, including a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment in jail for up to 180 days and would go into effect on January 1, 2015. It was approved in November 2008 by a margin of 63% to 37%.
CA - Rodeos - § 596.7. Rodeos; veterinarians present at performances; violation of section West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 596.7 This statute regulating rodeos requires that animals involved have access to veterinary care and mandates treatment of injured rodeo animals. This statute forbids the use of an electric prod once an animal is in the holding chute, unless necessary to protect participants or spectators. Violations of this section are infractions punishable by a fine.
CA - Slaughter - § 599f. Nonambulatory animals; slaughter houses, stockyards, auctions, market agencies, or dealers; transaction West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 599f As used in this section, "nonambulatory" means unable to stand and walk without assistance. This statute prohibits a slaughterhouse that is not inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture, stockyard, or auction shall buy, sell, or receive a nonambulatory animal. Effective July 2008, the law also states that no slaughterhouse shall sell meat from non-ambulatory animals for human consumption. The penalty was also increased from an unspecified misdemeanor to a penalty of up to one year in jail or a fine of up to $20,000 or both.
Chile - Slaughter - Ley 21.3016 Ley 21.3016 This law modifies Law No. 19.162, increasing sanctions for violations of animal health regulations in slaughterhouses, and information falsification in the livestock and meat traceability system. This law increases monetary fees from 100 monthly tax units (UTM) to 500 UTM. In addition it adds a paragraph to artiicle 8 of Law No. 19.162 stating the following: "The person who, in an export process, incurs violations of this law related to animal health or traceability will be sanctioned with a fine of 100 to 1,000 monthly tax units and with the confiscation of the products. Additionally, they will be sanctioned with the prohibition of export between three to five years. In case of recidivism within the five years following the end of the prohibition, the conduct will be sanctioned with the perpetual prohibition to export. In the case of a legal person, the same sanction will fall on the natural person or persons controlling the said company and the other companies they control."
Chile - Transport, animals - Decreto 30 Decreto 30 This "Decreto" or executive order contains welfare standards for animals during transport. It is an indirect result of the agreement DS N° 28/2003 between Chile and the European Union together with decretos 28, and 29, 2013. Under this decreto, cattle cannot be transported in conditions that could cause unnecessary pain and suffering. However, there are no limitations regarding the number of animals that can be loaded, and animals can be transported without food, water, and rest for up to 24 hours. if it is impossible to unload the animals, the carrier must ensure that animals are provided food and water.
CO - Farming - Article 50.5. Confinement of Calves Raised for Veal and Pregnant Sows C. R. S. A. § 35-50.5-101 to 103 This 2008 Colorado statute applies to the confinement of calves raised for veal and pigs during pregnancy. This statute provides that calves raised for veal and sows during pregnancy must be able to lie down, stand up, and turn around without touching the sides of their enclosure.
CO - Humane Slaughter - Article 33. Custom Processing of Meat Animals. C. R. S. A. § 35-33-101 to 407 This Colorado section includes both the meat processing laws and the humane slaughter provisions. It covers livestock, which are defined as cattle, calves, sheep, swine, horses, mules, goats, and any other animal which may be used in and for the preparation of meat or meat products. No processor shall shackle, hoist, or otherwise bring livestock into position for slaughter or shall slaughter livestock except by humane methods as defined by regulation; the use of a manually operated hammer, sledge, or poleax is not permitted. Additionally, poultry shall be slaughtered in accordance with "good commercial practices" and in a manner that will result in thorough bleeding.  Any person who violates any provision is subject to a civil penalty of not more than $750 per violation for each day of violation and commits a class 2 misdemeanor.
Colombia - Bullfighting - LEY 916, 2004, National bullfighting Statute LEY 916, 2004 Ley 916, or National Bullfighting Statute, declares bullfighting as “a form of artistic expression”. This statute has national scope, and regulates everything concerning the preparation, organization and development of bullfighting, giving a status of legality in the legal system. The Taurine Statute discusses topics such as the characteristics of the bullring, the name of different areas in the ring, and their purpose. It has an extensive glossary explaining the different methods utilized during the different phases of the bullfight, procedures to weaken and kill the bull, the moves of the animal and the bullfighters. This statute defines the name of the weapons and how and when to use them. It notes requirements such as that every bullring stadium must provide medical assistance for the participants, with all least four specialized doctors in every bullfight. While on-site medical care is outlined for the human participants, no veterinarian is required to be present during the execution of the bullfight.
Colombia - Farm animals - Decreto 2113, 2017 DECRETO 2113 DE 2017 This decreto adds a chapter to Title 3, Part 14 of Book 2 of Decreto 1071, 2015 “Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural.” This Decreto establishes the dispositions and requirements for the welfare of species for agricultural production.
Colombia - Slaughter - Decreto 1500, 2007 Decreto 1500 de 2007 This decreto establishes the technical rules that frame the system of inspections, supervision and controls over meat processed for human consumption. These health requirements must be met at every step of the chain, from primary production to marketplaces. Article 31, lays out the requirements for the antemortem and postmortem inspection of animals in slaughterhouses. Numeral 3 of this article establishes that slaughter methods must be humane. According to this article, animals must be slaughtered through non-cruel methods. Animals have to be appropriately stunned before being slaughtered. Slaughter must be done following correct techniques, avoiding unnecessary risks for the operator and suffering of the animal. The methods utilized must be authorized by the National Institute for Drug and Food Supervision (INVIMA). This article establishes ritual religions as the only exception to humane slaughter. This process must be supervised and approved by the Invima.
Colombia - Slaughter - LEY 9, 1979, Health Code LEY 9, 1979 This law lays out the general rules that are the basis for “the provisions and regulations necessary to preserve, restore and improve sanitary conditions in relation to human health. It also contains the procedures and measures that must be adopted for the regulation, legalization and control of the discharges of waste and materials that affect or may affect the sanitary conditions of the Environment.” In its Article 307, Ley 9 establishes that the slaughter of animals for human consumption can only be done in authorized slaughterhouses.
Connecticut General Statutes 1918: Chapter 329: Section 6268 Conn. Gen. Stat. § 6268 (1918) Section 6268 of Chapter 329 from the 1918 General Laws of Connecticut covers the unlawful injury to certain property of another.  Specifically, the statute states the punishment for hurting, maiming, poisoning anther's cattle, ox, horse, and mule.
Decreto Supremo 011-84-AG, 1984 - Peru 011-84-AG Esta ley considera necesario promover la cría de ganado de lidia como interés nacional.
EU - Farming - Council Directive 2008/119/EC (Calves) 2008/119/EC

Even before passage of this important new directive setting down minimum standards for the protection of calves, the use of veal crates for rearing calves had already been illegal in the EU (since 2006). The new directive, however, passed on December 18, 2008, fleshed out older one, establishing new welfare minimums under which veal could be raised. According to the new directive, veal calves may, when very young, be kept in individual pens, but must be able to turn around and to see and touch other calves through perforated walls. Once they are more than eight weeks old, veal calves must be reared in groups. To guard against the nutrient-deficient diet veal calves have long been fed on factory farms—and continue to be fed on farms in the United States—European calves must, at least twice a day, be fed a diet that meets basic health requirements to ensure their bodies develop normally.

IA - Cruelty - Chapter 717. Injury to Livestock I. C. A. § 717.1 - .7 Livestock were excluded from the definition of animal in Iowa's animal cruelty laws in 1994. These sections deal exclusively with livestock and exempt practices consistent with customary farming practices.
IA - Humane Slaughter - Meat and Poultry Inspection Act I. C. A. § 189A.1 - .22 This Iowa section, known as the Meat and Poultry Inspection Act, also contains the state's humane slaughter laws. For purposes of this section an approved humane slaughtering method shall include and be limited to slaughter by shooting, electrical shock, captive bolt, or use of carbon dioxide gas prior to the animal being shackle hoisted, thrown, cast or cut (except for the ritual requirements proscribed by the Jewish or any other religious faith). Any person who violates any provisions of this chapter for which no other criminal penalty is provided shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor, which appears to include the humane slaughter provision.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - CHHATTISGARH AGRICULTURAL CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 2004 25 of 2006 The Act, specific to the state of Chhattisgarh, prohibits the slaughter of agricultural cattle—cows, calves, bulls, bullocks and male and female buffaloes. The law criminalizes the possession and sale of beef, and the transport of agricultural cattle from the state for the purpose of slaughter. The state government shall make rules for the economic rehabilitation of persons affected by the Act.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - DELHI AGRICULTURAL CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 1994 The Act, specific to the National Capital Region of Delhi, prohibits the slaughter of agricultural cattle such as cows, calves, bulls and bullocks. The Act bans the transport of cattle from Delhi to places outside Delhi for the purpose of slaughter. Persons who wish to export cattle must apply for a permit and submit an undertaking that the cattle shall not be slaughtered. The burden of proof is on the person who is accused under the Act of the slaughter, transport, export, sale, purchase or possession of flesh of agricultural cattle.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - JAMMU & KASHMIR CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS ON COW SLAUGHTER 12 of 1989 The Jammu & Kashmir Ranbir Penal Code, 1989, prohibits the slaughter of bovines (oxes, bulls, cows and calves). Persons may not keep in their possession the flesh of slaughtered bovines. The provisions criminalize the sale and possession of the untanned hide, meat or flesh of gonds or possesses the carcass of a gond.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - JHARKHAND BOVINE ANIMAL PROHIBITION OF SLAUGHTER ACT, 2005 11 of 2005 The Act, specific to the state of Jharkhand, prohibits the slaughter of bovine animals including cows, calves, heifers, bulls and bullocks. Persons may not transport bovine animals from the state to other states for slaughter, or export any bovine animals for slaughter. Persons may not sell, purchase or possess the flesh of bovine animals. The Act provides for the setting up of institutions for the maintenance and care of uneconomic cows by the government or local authorities. Violations of the Act would lead to imprisonment and fines.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL PRESERVATION (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1995 The Act amends the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976. While the 1976 Act prohibited the slaughter of cows, the Amendment additionally prohibits the slaughter of bulls and bullocks.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - ORISSA PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1960 This law, specific to the eastern Indian state of Orissa, prohibits the slaughter of cows. Bulls and bullocks may also not be slaughtered unless a certificate is obtained from a competent authority indicating that the bull or bullock is over fourteen years old. Cows, bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered if they have contagious or infectious diseases, or for experimentation in the interest of medical research. The government may establish institutions for the care of uneconomic cows.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - RAJASTHAN BOVINE ANIMAL (PROHIBITION OF SLAUGHTER AND TEMPORARY MIGRATION OR EXPORT) ACT, 1995 23 of 1995 The law, specific to the western Indian state of Rajasthan, prohibits the slaughter of cows and their progeny. The sale and transport of beef is prohibited. Persons may not export bovine animals from the state to any place outside the state for the purpose of slaughter. Causing grievous hurt, bodily pain, disease or infirmity to a bovine animal shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment. Persons exercising powers under the Act are considered public servants. Persons acting in good faith in furtherance of the Act are protected from protected from legal proceedings.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - SIKKIM PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 2017 17 of 2017 This law, specific to the North Eastern state of Sikkim, prohibits the slaughter of cows and their female progeny. 'Cows' under this Act refer to milking cows, dry cows, heifers and calves. Cows may not be slaughtered unless a certificate in writing is obtained from the Competent Authority. Persons slaughtering cows without obtaining a certificate shall be imprisoned and fined.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - TAMIL NADU ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1958 10 of 1958 The law, specific to the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, prohibits the slaughter of bulls, bullocks, cows, calves, male and female buffaloes and buffalo calves without a certificate from the competent authority. The certificate shall be granted if the animal is over ten years old and is unfit for work or breeding, or if it has been permanently incapacitated for work. The Act also criminalizes injuring an animal in order to make it fit for slaughter.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER REGULATION, 1967 1 of 1967 The law, specific to the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar prohibits the slaughter of cows, bulls and bullocks. Bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered only if they are over fifteen years of age or permanently unfit and unserviceable and on receipt of a certificate from a competent authority. Persons may not sell or transport beef products except for those beef products contained in sealed containers and imported into the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ANDHRA PRADESH PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER AND ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1977 11 of 1977 The legislation, specific to the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, prohibits the slaughter of cows and the calves of female buffaloes. Other animals may not be slaughtered without a certificate from a competent authority. Slaughter may be carried out only in specified places. Offences under the Act are punishable with imprisonment or fines. The law protects acts done in good faith under this Act or its rules. The Act provides for the establishment of institutions taking care of cows.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ASSAM CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 2021 The Act, specific to Assam, prohibits the slaughter of cows, bulls, bullocks, heifers and calves. These animals may be slaughtered only on receipt of a certificate that states that the cattle (unless a cow) is over fourteen years old, or has (unless a cow, heifer or calf) become permanently incapacitated. These certified animals may only be slaughtered at registered slaughterhouses. Persons may not buy or sell beef or beef products except at permitted places. No person may transfer cattle from Assam to any district within the state that shares an international border with a foreign state where cattle slaughter is permitted.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE BIHAR PRESERVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF ANIMALS ACT, 1955 2 OF 1956 This law, specific to the state of Bihar, prohibits the slaughter of cows, calves, bulls, bullocks and female buffaloes. The prescribed authority may allow the slaughter of bulls and bullocks and female buffaloes under certain specific conditions. Persons may not export cows, female buffaloes, calves, heifers, buffalo calves, buffalo heifers, bulls and bullocks from the state. Animals that have infectious diseases must be segregated. Animal markets and fairs may not be held in infected areas.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE GOA ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1995 7 of 1996 The law, specific to the state of Goa, allows the slaughter of bovines only when they are unlikely to be economical for the purpose of draught, agricultural operations, breeding, giving milk, or bearing offspring. Offences under the Act are cognizable—persons alleged to have committed an offence under the Act can be arrested without warrant. No legal proceedings can be instituted against the government or any officer of the government or local authority for actions done in good faith in pursuance of the Act.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE GOA, DAMAN AND DIU PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1978 13 of 1978 This provision, specific to the regions of Goa, Daman and Diu, prohibits the slaughter of cows. However, it does not prohibit the import of cow meat into these regions. Only cows that are suffering or are the subject of medical research may be slaughtered. In these cases, prior permission to slaughter the cow must be obtained by a veterinary officer or officer of the Animal Husbandry Department. Beef may not be sold in these regions. The government or local authority must maintain institutions for the care of 'uneconomic' cows. Offences under this Act are cognizable (offender can be arrested without a warrant) and non-bailable (bail is not a matter of right).
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE HIMACHAL PRADESH PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1979 11 OF 1979 The law, specific to the state of Himachal Pradesh, prohibits the slaughter of cows. No person may export cows for the purpose of slaughter. The law bans the sale of beef. Committing an offence under this Act may lead to imprisonment or fines.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE KARNATAKA PREVENTION OF SLAUGHTER AND PRESERVATION OF CATTLE ACT, 2020 1 of 2021 The Act, specific to the South Indian state of Karnataka, prohibits the slaughter of cattle, restricts the transport of cattle from one part of the state to another for slaughter, and prohibits the sale, purchase and disposal of cattle for slaughter. The State may establish institutions for care and welfare of cattle. Persons and authorities acting in good faith to secure the objectives of the act are protected from the institution of legal proceedings.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE KERALA PANCHAYAT RAJ (SLAUGHTER HOUSES AND MEAT STALLS) RULES, 1996 13 or 1994 These Rules regulate the operation of slaughterhouses and meat stalls. Animals may be slaughtered only in public or licensed slaughter houses within a village panchayat area. Slaughter houses may not be established within 90 metres of any house. Butchers require licenses for slaughtering animals. Animals may not be admitted to slaughter houses unless they are examined and certified as being free from contagious diseases.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE MADHYA PRADESH GOVANSH VADH PRATISHEDH ADHINIYAM, 2004 6 of 2004 The law, specific to the state of Madhya Pradesh, criminalizes the slaughter of cows and their progeny, including bulls and bullocks. The Act criminalizes the possession and transport of beef and the transport of cows and their progeny for slaughter. The Act authorizes a competent authority to enter and inspect premises where they believe an offence under this Act has been or is likely to be committed. The state government must make rules for the economic rehabilitation of persons whose livelihoods have been affected by the Act. The Act imposes the burden or proof for an offence under the Act on the accused.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1976 9 of 1977 The Act, specific to the western Indian state of Maharashtra, prohibits cow slaughter. Persons may also not slaughter other bovines such as bulls, bullocks, female buffaloes and buffalo calves without obtaining a certificate from the 'competent authority'. These animals may be slaughtered only at specified places. Committing an offence under the Act may lead to fines or imprisonment.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ORISSA PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER RULES, 1966 5 of 1960 The Rules, drafted under the Orissa Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1960, prescribe conditions for the issue of a certificate for slaughter.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE PUDUCHERRY PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER 6 of 1968 The Act, specific to the Union Territory of Puducherry, prohibits the slaughter of cows, bulls and bullocks. Bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered in certain specific circumstances. The sale of beef is banned.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE PUNJAB PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1955 153 of 1956 The Act, specific to the state of Punjab, criminalizes the slaughter of cows and bulls, bullocks, heifers and calves. Beef may not to be sold. The Act provides for the establishment of institutions for the maintenance and care of uneconomic cows. Offences under the Act are punishable with fines or imprisonment.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE WEST BENGAL ANIMAL SLAUGHTER CONTROL ACT, 1950 22 of 1950 The law, specific to the state of West Bengal, regulates the slaughter of bulls, bullocks, cows, calves, male and female buffaloes, buffalo calves and castrated buffaloes. Persons may not slaughter these animals without a certificate stating that the animal is over fourteen years of age and unfit for work or breeding, or that the animal has become permanently incapacitated from work or breeding due to age, injury, deformity or incurable disease. Animals under this Act may be slaughtered only in specific places.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - UTTARAKHAND PROTECTION OF COW PROGENY ACT, 2007 6 of 2007 The law, specific to the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, prohibits the slaughter of cows and their progeny, including bulls, bullocks, heifers and calves. Persons may not possess, sell, transport, or offer beef for sale. Persons may not 'leave vagrant' cows and their progeny and may not free a cow 'for wandering after milching her'. Persons committing an offence under the Act shall be fined or imprisoned.
