Endangered Species

Displaying 41 - 50 of 451
Titlesort descending Summary
AU - Wildlife Protection- Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992
AZ - Endangered, nongame - Illegal Taking or Wounding of Wildlife Arizona assesses a monetary civil penalty for the possession or taking of listed species of wildlife and endangered/nongame wildlife (including eagles). This fine goes to the state wildlife theft prevention fund and is in addition to any other fine or penalty assessed by law.
Babbitt v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon
(edited from Syllabus of the Court)

As relevant here, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA or Act) makes it unlawful for any person to “take” endangered or threatened species, § 9(a)(1)(B), and defines “take” to mean to “harass, harm, pursue,” “ wound,” or “kill,” § 3(19). In 50 CFR § 17.3, petitioner Secretary of the Interior further defines “harm” to include “significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife.” Respondents, persons and entities dependent on the forest products industries and others, challenged this regulation on its face, claiming that Congress did not intend the word “take” to include habitat modification.


The Secretary reasonably construed Congress' intent when he defined “harm” to include habitat modification.
Biological Information for the Whale

This summary provides a brief examination of the biology of whales, including habitat, reproductive cycles, and feeding.

Biological Overview of the Gray Wolf

The gray wolf is an amazingly adaptable creature that can live in many different habitats. It is a social animal which often forms packs that stick together.

Biological Overview of the Polar Bear

This article provides a brief biological summary of the polar bear.

Bolivia - Endangered species - Ley N° 12301
Brief Overview of Chimpanzee Laws

This article briefly covers the main threats to chimpanzee welfare, the tools currently in place to protect them, and suggestions for improving their status.

Brief Overview of Polar Bears

This article provides a brief overview of the threats facing polar bears.
